Thursday, February 16, 2017

Pursuit of Happiness

Following my own path these days. Looking at opportunities and new thoughts. Ideas to follow and wonder how they will come out. The process is simple: one step at a time, one element, see it connect with another element, and so on. It is a path of discovery. And that works for me.

Pursuit of happiness is like that. It need not be selfish or greedy. Just a logical flow of following one’s instincts. See what happens, what follows after. Later, when we take time to ponder, we wonder what it all means. Did the elements connect in a way that informs us of fact, logic, reality? Was this uncovering meaningful? Can we build upon it for the future?

Discovery is like that. Experience the realness of the day. Feel what the experience is like and later discover its meaning. Its usefulness. Its ability to merge into other discoveries and yield totally new things. Things we can use. Things that make our lives better somehow.
Listening to music, what does the mind conjure? What flights of thinking are supported and propelled into the ether of our minds? Do we engage these flights? Do we value them? Do we use them to build on or to escape from?

So many times music has been my escape to where I feel safe and embraced. But now the need is different somehow. I use music to enhance and to motivate me to reach into the unknown. The ideas from music are in Technicolor and throb and pulse with movement and sound. They swirl in their own atmosphere which has its own colored hues contrasting with the thrusts of the music.

Like magic the ideas gel and discovery is found at the edge.

Now to make something of the discovery. Apply it to something worthwhile. Let it pull the mind forward toward connection and more discovery.

Pursuit of happiness. This is mine. What’s yours?

Indeed, what is the pursuit like for any one of is? It is quite different, right? Unique to each of us as we live through our own struggles with life itself. Each person fuels his or her own flight path of discovery. For me this activity is vital and proves I am alive. Yes, it is that vital!

Now, multiply that by 330 million souls in America. The vitality is breathtaking.

So too, the creativity and inventiveness of our national core. This is our asset. This is our destiny as well. Will we make use of it? For good purpose? Will our discipline – alone and in concert with others – combine to produce amazing things that reward our lives with happiness?

These things are at the center of our being. They can be discouraged by others but not taken away. There are those among us who are afraid of our freedom. They do not know the why or the how of their fear. Just that they fear. So they try to control. They take away a little freedom here and there until they feel they are in control. But, they do not know yet what they are in control of. The truth? Not much!

In time the truth will emerge. What we are individually capable of cannot be taken away except through death. And if they are desperate enough to do that, they display their true weakness as so many before them have.

Theirs is the face of fascism. Theirs of Nazism. Despotic rulers show their colors in time because they follow only their own thoughts and not the rules of social order. They are glaringly illuminated by logic and truth.

All we need to do to defeat such is to pursue our inner direction toward happiness. We will find the source of energy and persistence needed to outlast the enemies of freedom. That’s what we did in the 1700’s; again in 1812; and in 1918, 1945 and so on. Truth won out. It was not automatic. We had to fight for it and resist for it.

Whether the enemy is external or internal the force of each person multiplied by the nation will carry the right message eventually.

Be patient. Feel and think. Dare to discover your own path. And pursue it to the end. You will not be alone.

February 16, 2017

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