Thursday, April 27, 2017

Getting the Most Out of Life

Life has many challenges. We struggle on many fronts to build a happy life. Finding the right line of education that speaks to our interests and talents is one front. Finding a job that satisfies our sense of identity as well as offering a future to grow into is another front. Finding the right life partner consumes a lot of our time, and then making that relationship work for all time. Having children and being absorbed with them is not always easy. Balancing family and career promises many conflicts. Getting along with a diverse array of personalities is yet another daunting task!

The list of challenges goes on and on. No need to beat it to death.

Along with all of the above are the usual personal development tasks only you can labor over. These include: life philosophy, theology and spiritual beliefs, intellectual interests, self identity and mental health. I see these topics as shapers of the whole person when done in context with the other life struggles. Our menu of tasks is large. Challenging as well. No right answers in most of the cases, just bits and pieces that shift from context to context and from time to time. One size does not fit all. We are talking true custom features here!

Motivational speakers and writers usually advise us not to sweat the small stuff in life; then they go on to say all things are small stuff! Sort of defines the task and challenge out of existence, huh? Not much useful advice in those words.

Well, maybe a little. Life is complicated, but if we let each and every thing bother us the complication multiplies and upsets us. Best to keep things simple. Deal with each issue as it comes up, move on to the next thing, and keep on living your life.

If major problems pop up, and they will, focus on them for accurate definition, options available to manage them, and then decide on a course of action and follow through. Keep moving along.

Some things we have enjoyed in the past will be cut out to make room for more pressing matters. Aging brings a lot of such issues. But it is OK because we are simplifying life and enjoying what we have, not what we don’t have. Actually we need less and less as we age so yes, we actually become happier as life becomes simpler.

Oh, there are inconveniences and a need for more humility. That takes getting used to but it is OK. Besides, those things are not in our control. Plain and simple.

And that really is the point I want to make here: backing off of life’s complexity is a major method to get the most out of life. Simplify. Don’t let lifestyle or belongings own you and entrap you. Live freely and in the moment more than you have in the past.

I’ve found relationships a source of joy and pleasure. Getting to know someone well and sharing space and thoughts is meaningful and rewarding. Tasting food is another pleasure! Listening to music that informs the ear and mind is a deeply rewarding experience. So too the arts of many kinds.

TV programs are less and less a pleasure; too much noise and much too much pandering to the lowest common denominators living among us. There are good programs to seek out. TED Talks are great; National Geographic programming is very good. And most of PBS programming is trustworthy and balanced, especially in news reporting and issue discussions. The good is present; it just takes discipline and seeking it to find it.

Reading a book – fiction or non-fiction – pulls our mind from our inner recesses, and places us in the lives of others. Accessing this space is important. I am not the most important person on the planet. Others matter and have worthy points of view and feelings to consider.

Strangely, the more I do this the happier I become. To be real, however, it must be experienced on your own. If you haven’t tried this, allow yourself the freedom to explore it.

I think the oddest thing in life I’ve learned is simply this: I have found the best life has to offer when I wasn’t looking for it.

With that I have discovered joy. Not long ago I didn’t have joy. The lack was evident and haunting. But now that has all changed. I live outside of myself much of the time and intentionally. That has made all the difference.

Try it for yourself.

April 27, 2017

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