Friday, April 14, 2017

International Relations

It is no mystery why international relations are a key element of the President’s job. The most critical function of the Federal Government is the common defense of the nation. If peaceful relations are not present, then strong defense systems must be in place to safeguard our countrymen. This is the quid pro quo of global politics.

Russia knows this. So does China. And North Korea and drug cartels in South American countries.

You do this to me and we will do that to you. Like kids on the school yard but with larger, more deadly weapons.

North Korea wants respect or legitimacy. So it builds defense systems that are decidedly offensive in nature. The message is sent: you do anything to us we don’t like, and we will strike you where it hurts. In fact, we don’t trust you so we may strike you first! Hmmmm.

Same for Russia. They have their military equipment and personnel. They have the offensive capabilities and demonstrate it often to unnerve the world community. They are saying “you are a threat to our safety but see what we have to protect us and do you harm? Do not cross the lines.” Not that we had any plans, but a bully gets his jollies by making the threats and puffing out his chest. False bravado but threatening just the same.

So now the tensions are present when they need not be. Instead of talking and making peace we are caught in a network of assumptions and lies on both sides so that compromise and understanding are scantily possible. This is the situation in relations with Russia currently. Can China relations be far behind?

Bully-speak is a poor bargaining chip for building positive international relationships.

It takes smarts, research, understanding and clear goals to do the work of the global community. The State Department has a long and enviable history of success and earnest honest work. That history will always be on the edge of destruction if wrong words and actions are taken – in the department or out of it, say in the White House.

Actions not thought out in advance tend to turn around and bite the action figure. Such is likely the case in Syria, North Korea, and yes, in Russia.

Who are the grown ups in charge of this machinery in our current federal administration? Anyone there who can take cogent action and actually safeguard the nation? Or only bully speakers who create distrust and tensions?

I’m hoping that cool minds will prevail and proper policy and process will be administered before it is too late. All things considered I have little trust this will happen. but I am a positive soul and hope good things will come when good people step up to take proper action.

How spoiled we have become by past administrations who knew what they were doing!

April 14, 2017

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