Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Consider the Cow

Think about a cow. Green pasture, rolling landscape, and a cow. Large. Not graceful. Lumbering. Slow and plodding. Yes, I have seen a cow run, but it is not swift or fluid. Still lumbering to my way of thinking.

What does the cow do? Eat grass, sit idly by, stand and graze, munching grass most of the time. The face is fluid at such times. The jaw works side to side, and maybe a little down. Grass is chewed continuously. A slimy mess of green goo that slowly follows the gullet into one of the four stomachs. Nutrients are pulled from the grass. Biology does the rest and milk is produced. Of course, I’m thinking of a female cow. Not a male. I suppose the guys chew grass as well; but they do not produce milk. I’m not a farmer, but I’m not dumb. I know the difference between a guy and girl cow.

Well, let’s follow this scenario a little farther.

The cow has a big block of a head. Angular in places but soft and lightly furred for the rest of the face. The eyes are mesmerizing. Large, brown or black. Limpid and soft. Not judging to my mind. The jowls are somewhat tight, but give the face more character and movement. The nose is large as well, and squarish. Balance describes the face of a cow, don’t you think? Balance and calm.

I think of the weather surrounding the cow. Twelve months of heat, cold, rain, snow and sleet. Most cows weather these changes month after month without much ado. They accept their lot. They chew grass and produce milk. They are fed in a warm barn and milked on schedule. They are cared for and nurtured in their role. The farmer does so to protect his investment in the animal, but I wonder if he harbors feelings for the cow, too?

I do. I know I do. Every time I see a cow, I pause and think about its peacefulness. Whether raging storm or quiet meadow, the cow is stalwart and accepting. It looks at you with those big lazy eyes. It licks its chops and seems to hum as it looks for more grass to add to its cud. And it chews, again and again. Its task is to eat, chew, digest and make milk.

Wartime is noisy. There have been many wars. In city, town and country, war has visited many places on our planet. Where there are people there are cows. They have survived all the wars, the cows, not the people. They have always found grass. They produce milk to share with people. And they share their milk with their calves, too.

Think about that. Wars and cows. Pastures and battlefields. Political upset and violence. But the cows remain stalwart. They observe. But do they see?

I do not think the cow is dumb. I think she understands.

Her face registers drollery. Kind. Quiet. Peaceful. Like a shepherd in reverse.

The cow comforts. And faces her present and future with calm resolution.

I wonder if we could learn something from the cow?

Think about that.

December 27, 2017


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