Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ignoring the White House Noise

Yes, it is time to turn off the noise machine of the donald. His entire communication style is to deny, mislead, tweet, disguise, and distract attention from where it needs to be focused. That means we need to move on from his nonsense agenda, and set our own. Indeed, observe his reaction to his own lies; the book he hates he denounces and wishes to control its publishing and outright censorship. Where are the powers to do the same with him and his lies? Oh, just forget him. He does not speak for the American people. He chooses to misspeak continuously; and then to air it all over twitter. No; we need and deserve a better form of leadership. We will have to do it ourselves.

First, the media must identify with the American public what issues matter the most and then report on them. This will require panels of multiple experts and speaker/writers on topics of broad importance. Then report on what these groups talk about, conclude, and suggest for our future consideration. Poll the people for their thoughts as well; let the data speak. Let the match and analysis speak for all of us.

Second, politicians of every kind and stripe need to focus on just the issues that they have authority over. City and municipal entities, focus on your communities and make them strong and safe. County governments? Do the same as cities and municipalities. Your region should be well served, stable, economically viable and self-sustaining. States do likewise.

Third, what public institutions do we all need to fuel our forward momentum in dealing with the future? Certainly, local schools are one such institution, viable and vibrant public libraries are another, and colleges, universities are the base of another important segment of public institutions we need to prepare for the future.

Fourth, what cultural and social skills and strengths do we need to ensure our quality of life is cared for? Arts, music, theater, literature and much more is one important aspect of what I’m talking about. So are public and private charities that do the work we all need done but which no private enterprise or government entity is willing to do. There is a lot of room for each of us to make a difference in our communities. Don’t ignore these opportunities. Learn about them and lend your hand, your interest and your expertise. Please! We need you to do this. I’m not good at many things, but I am good at some things. This is most likely true for each of us. So, don’t be bashful; if you are interested in something, go to a charity or organization and talk with them. Find out what they need. Learn more about their mission and vision. And then, lend your hand to their efforts. Doing things there will teach you much more. You may find this was the best thing you ever did. Or, you may learn this was a mistake. If the latter, withdraw from this engagement, and find another. Again, don’t be bashful. Engage in what matters to you and to your community. And learn about what matters.

This is our country and culture; it is not solely that of the occupant of the white house. What really matters is what we say matters. It’s about time we remember this and move on with what needs to get done.

Ignoring the buffoon in the white house will get us back on track. Maybe our tactic will cause him to reform his behavior and stop tweeting, stop opining at every moment, and get down to the work at hand. There’s much for him to learn and understand; preferably before he opens his mouth or phone again.

Meanwhile, the real work is up to us. Are you ready?

January 9, 2018

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