Monday, July 29, 2019

Months Ticking Away

Time happens. One nanosecond at a time. Tick, tick, tick. A moment passes, another arrives. Amassing, they form minutes, hours and days. Then weeks and months and years, decades, centuries and so on.

Time happens and marches on. Ready or not, we live through the time we are given.

We’ve been in hospital for three weeks now; one more to go, then home and frequent trips to doctors, clinics and therapists. For Rocky. Friday, August 2 he will be discharged from Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Wheaton, Illinois.

Medically he is healed. Miraculous recovery. Now the physical and emotional needs mending. What is this new normal that is still so new? What will it become in the months ahead? Time will tell. Months have ticked by since we were first diagnosed on June 2nd. Then into hospital on July 6th, surgery on the 9th. Off to Marianjoy on the 18th, then discharge on August 2. Two months gone just like that. And life changed.

The 2016 Presidential Election was November 2016. Two years and 9 months later (almost) we have survived change in visible, top leadership of our nation. Visible is the word, because the entire leadership of our country is not of one voice. Much change has been thwarted. Still much change has been foisted on both the USA and her allies around the world. Bewildering change. Sometimes awful change. Consequences have lost us friends, allies and faith. Even we citizens have lost faith in the values we held dear.

Most of us still hold those values true. But the mirror of those values throughout our governing mechanisms has been blurred, distorted and yes, in some instances shattered.

This too will pass. We face another election in fall of 2020. The people will speak their truth in the ballot box and the miscreants will be shown the door. This result I am sure of. It will have taken four years to materialize. But its reality is certain.

Some say we should impeach the sitting president. I do not agree. Although I’d like this nightmare to be over, the process of impeachment is slow and certain. It takes time, money and attention. All these resources are needed to operate our nation as best we can in the interim. Forget impeachment. Save all the evidence of wrong-doing and then prosecute the men and women of the White House, executive branch, and Republican Party. Many will go to jail. Many will lose their livelihoods. Many will be shunted off to where they will do the least damage to the rest of us. This is the strategy of long-term gain. Be patient several more months. Let the machinery of justice do its work.

Meanwhile, ignore the buffoons. Give them no lip service or attention. They burn up our energy and focus needed to accomplish things we are prouder of. Ours is a democracy. Not a clean democracy. It has been twisted and morphed into a rude structure controlled by money, influencers and propagandists. They will pay for what they have done. We are the adults in the room needing to keep moving forward.

The future belongs to all of us who are prepared for it. There will be casualties. There will be those who simply don’t understand. All wars have the sufferers – both the innocent and guilty. It is a fact of life we must face.

I’m preparing for the day we get our nation back. Are you?

Don’t let the months ticking away become a waste of our time and values. We have a new normal to build.

July 29, 2019

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