Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why Bloomberg?

My personal rule is not to vote for a presidential candidate over the age of 70. Why? Two reasons standout: first, age is a factor in longevity of the person in office; the older they are, the higher the odds they will die in office, or become unable to perform their full duties; second, younger voices and perspectives are valuable to the body politic; these voices keep the social order fresh, vibrant and relevant to what’s happening in the lives of the electorate.

So, what do I think of Michael Bloomberg’s entry to the presidential primaries?

Here are some of my thoughts that readily come to mind:

1.      He is experienced in complex governance demands that leap from local to national scope; New York City is a place that demands attention to every detail. Voter blocs, population diversity, international relations and national policy implications are all involved in being mayor of the Big Apple

2.      He speaks truth to power. No compromise is possible unless the parties are conversant and knowledgeable of the details and then speak those to others involved in decisions. That is how compromise comes about fully. If debates are cautious, they omit too much detail. If debates are over-the-top emotionally, and demanding, too much irrelevancy and drama is included; that clouds the discussions. Compromise comes from truths honestly shared and weighed

3.      The election is about removing the trumpster. Bloomberg clearly has targeted that goal. The other candidates assume the people know this of them, and quickly poke at each other for votes. No; how are you going to win an election with the incumbent? That is the primary reason for your candidacy

4.      Beating fellow Democrats in the primary is not the goal. Laying out the issues for debate and popular support is an educational process. It does not need to be solved in the campaign. Do I want Medicare for All? Maybe; but I really want equal access to excellent healthcare. Whether that is Medicare or something else has yet to be determined. Please don’t weigh down the primary elections with such heavy details

Enough said in this respect. What needs to be added is this: all Democrat candidates need to weigh in with their ideas on vanquishing the donald. Help discuss important issues that separate Democrats from the republicans. Agenda items of hoped-for programs are premature in a primary. The national election is when the programs and policies need to be presented. And then, only if compromise is coalescing among the electorate. The rest of the agenda is exploratory on possible solutions of worthy topics.

Once the primary is past, the losing candidates must gather round the chosen standard bearer to help build a winning campaign to remove ‘he who shall not be named.’

We know impeachment will be supported in the House. We also know the Senate will not go along with that. In the end mr. trump will only be removed from office by losing an election, one he should not have won in the first place.

Right now, however, our job is clear. Find the best candidate who can beat the incumbent. That may be Mr. Bloomberg, or Pete Buttigieg or Elizabeth Warren. But only if they learn to beat trump, not each other.

November 27, 2019

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