Monday, December 2, 2019

I’ll Be Seeing Yule

Christmastide is here. The march from Thanksgiving to Christmas and the New Year. Doesn’t seem possible that another holiday season is in full swing. But it is.

Generations come and go. Perhaps that is what Thanksgiving gives pause to consider. The grandparents are here now, their parents – the great grands – not far removed. Remembered still but their images fade. Today there are the young tots, the high schoolers, the middle aged marrieds, the singles – both middle aged and young.

Tales are shared of current games and toys, classroom escapades, college sagas unfolding anew, and parenting tips proven and unproven. The generational talking points are mumbled, the food is savored and over eaten. Satisfied grins all around the table, ages noting timelines mixed and varied. But all in the family.

Plans are made for Christmas. Who is buying for who, who is hosting the festive day, what time to arrive and how to synchronize with all the other family ties. They abound. Weddings do that; in-laws and out-laws extend the family in all directions. Our nuclear family was small. Two small families joined. Each of the kids married into large teeming families that extend well beyond their homes, too. Lots of people. Diverse as well. Enriched families tasting of the global village.

This is who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going toward. Diversity begets diversity begets a community of strong and talented people. And beautiful, too.

Ours is a nation of such diversity and joining of cultures. It has been gradual at times, and quick at others. It has been smooth rarely and disjointed most of the time. Each generation has its tale of blending and merging with people different from themselves. The tribal intersection of America is made of legend. It too often describes a joyous union; that would be a fairytale. The unions have been hard fought for and won. Couples have defined their futures to make today’s generation a reality.

Those results are wonders to behold. New tribes emerging and understanding each other. Different cultures holding up while in union with one another. Cultures enriched and made welcome. Fits and starts are experienced. Confusion sometimes reigns while tastes shift, spices tempt and tried. We come together to build a new order for a new future.

Constant change. Constant blending. Different parts but whole at the same time.

This is the face of America. Always has been. Hopefully always will be.

We translate for all generations the hope and promise of futures unimagined. But hopefully with peace and joy for all. It is the outcome ideal. It will come with effort and invention. We grow from different root stocks to make it all happen. Generation after generation after generation.

The supremacy of one seems utterly ridiculous. Viva le differences!

December 2, 2019

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