Anyone who claims this is true is not paying close attention.
More women than men pursue higher education. More African Americans, Hispanics and Asians pursue higher education. Whites are in the minority on most urban university campuses.
Minorities and women voters outstrip white males. The entire society will be white minority by 2035 or earlier. If jobs, professions, achievements and candidacies for public office are underrepresented by minorities of any stripe, the problem is not in the white majority; it is among the minorities who may not be stepping up to the plate.
If that is a problem, there are plenty of people of diversity willing and able to teach and coach the underrepresented to step forward successfully. I’m one. I’m 76, white, male and gay. If that doesn’t define me as a minority, then I don’t know what does. And soon the white will be the definition of minority.
Now that you know this, why haven’t you called?
The current Democrat cohort of presidential candidates is diverse. By color, gender, gender orientation, age and nationality. In the end only one candidate will win the nomination. It may not be a minority representative. If so, that is by chance, not by design or encouragement.
Furthermore, running mate selection will likely round out the diversity of the ticket as well. I think a Warren/Buttigieg or Buttigieg/Booker ticket is enticing. Both of them!
So now, instead of complaining, let’s get down to the task of selecting the best candidates, encourage the drop-offs to form a team and work for the success of the winning ticket, and move beyond the trump folly. There is much to do and the time is now.
And it has nothing and everything to do with diversity!!
December 10, 2019
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