Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year

So, a new year begins! Another one! Just like last year, and the year before that, and so on as far back as we can remember. Here we are again at the beginning. Another beginning. You would think we would have this down pat by now. So many years of doing the same thing.  Starting, stopping, ending, beginning again, and so on and on.


I won’t belabor the point. Yes, the old year has ended. Some would say a fond farewell while others would gladly dispense with 2019 with a cheey “Good Riddance.” The point of ending something is the opportunity to begin something new. That possibility holds the potential for accomplishing great things. All we need do is think them up! Ah, well, perhaps that’s the hard part?

It might help if we count our blessings. A good start to the new year is accounting for the wonderful things in our lives – each other, loved ones, wonderful work colleagues, neighbors, financial blessings, a car that works, and a roof over our heads.

Health is a variable. So is age. Time is with us to live and know joy. The pains and hurts will be common companions, but joy is there as well. Know this and begin 2020 with confidence and passion. All will be well if we start well.

Happy New Year to each and everyone of us!!

January 1, 2020

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