Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Politics As Usual?

The current state of politics in America is pretty sick. Candidates attack each other readily. Nasty seems the norm. Whatever happened to running on the record?

What an incumbent did in the past seems to be a good indication of what he/she will do in the future. Their positions on issues that are likely to be on current and near future agendas, should be well discussed among candidates.

Innuendo and character assassination seems tawdry and unnecessary. Bringing up old news that was never proven seems unfair. No; stick to the facts: what happened and what is happening now. What does this mean and why would you be a better candidate than X, Y or Z?

Local political campaigns are dog eat dog. Same for state and especially national campaigns.  The rule seems to be “the dirtier the better.”  That is woeful to weather as voters and demeaning to the position being sought by the candidates.

Ill will follows the elections. Public attitude toward the newly elected is glued to them. A rough and tumble campaign adheres to the new official and trust in his/her abilities is tarnished. Keep doing this and soon trust in government erodes.

Years of this and you end up with what we have now. How many of us still trust in government – its purpose, process and outcomes?  

America! Stick to this behavior and anarchy will surely follow.

I think we have time to pull back from the abyss. Not much time. But no time to waste.

January 29, 2020

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