Friday, January 24, 2020

Tech Adaptation

Adapting to new technology has turned a corner for this 76 year-old. Now on Google Docs instead of Microsoft Word. Appears to be no change whatsoever. Saving, archiving and retrieving all seem the same. Grammar, spelling and punctuation all seem the same or better. The speed is faster, too, a bonus for sure.

My anxiety level has subsided, just in time for a half-day of training on a new computer system adopted by for all of its 12,000 volunteers. This is a state of the art platform that will help us go paperless, on-line in nearly everything we do, as well as keystroke saving and data aggregating. The only challenge will be training 60 to 80 year-olds how to do all of this! No small task.

Meanwhile, my splinted ring finger on the left hand has been accommodated. First two weeks I had many single stroke wsd’s; that’s the result when a ‘club’ finger intends to hit one of those keys  but gets all three in one stroke. It may sound super-efficient, but editing the mishmash was frightful. Now my hand is more adaptable to typing quickly even with the clubbed finger. I wonder what will happen in another week when the splint is removed.  Will I need to relearn my finger stroke method all over again?

That's a story of adaptation to all change, eh?

OK, with all of that soon to be behind me, focus returns to the book. I made a good start but all of the above interfered with actually writing the book. So, back to the process. This will take several months of daily sorting and culling. Hopefully that process will see emergent topics sufficient for chapters or even separate books. This is an act of discovery. The results remain a mystery. The biggest unknown is motivation to keep moving forward. Ah, the resistance. An ever present foe.

Whatever I do now is a handy diversion from the nation’s impeachment frenzy. I am not caught up in it because I am certain of the outcome – political party GOP will not find the offender guilty. Predetermined result as we all knew it to be. Of course, I hold hope that the Senate will exercise its once noble spine and convict the conman forthwith.  I have hope but am not holding my breath!

Survival mode on my part. So tending to my own garden and book project is a productive pursuit.

At least my efforts are for all to see; that way you will hold my feet to the fire.  For that I thank you!

More later.

January 24, 2020

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