Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Little Things

Awoke this morning at 5 am. Went to bed last night at 8:45. More than 8 hours of sleep. Good sleep. Not anxious. Restful. That does not include two modest naps during the day. Accumulated sleep for the 24-hour period is about 9+ hours. Not bad.

Drinking more water (from the tap). Remaining hydrated. Frequent bathroom breaks to pee. Two good poops per day (I said ‘little things’). The personal plumbing is working great for a 77 year old body.

Sleep and bathroom routines. A good sign that the body is working pretty well in spite of everything else.

The other day I actually felt retired. First time since I did retire. That was 2008, so 12 years later I have finally slowed down enough to realize I’m retired!  Evidently I’ve kept myself too busy these past dozen years.

It snowed three inches last night. I saw it begin. At first, I said “Oh no!” Then I realized I was retired and didn’t have to fight the snow. I also live in a condo building and someone handles the snow and ice for us without me lifting a finger. This morning the snow was a pleasant oddity but no inconvenience.

I have an electronic monitor attached to my car from the insurance company. It gives me a weekly report on miles driven, nighttime miles driven (0), idle time and hard breaking or too fast accelerations. I drove 91 miles last week. I wasn’t running around helping hospitalized friends. And we did wait in parking lots in the cold with the engine running waiting for a short shopping trip. All in all the car is not being used much lately. Wasn’t used much before then either. A side effect of the covid-19 experience.

Another small thing: the car monitor records the hard breaking and accelerations. By whose definition? I have a quick transmission to start the car moving. I have anti-skid protection and it doesn’t kick in on my normal acceleration. Seems to me that should count for something. And hard breaking? Please. I don’t do that. If I did the anti-skid thingy would register something. It doesn’t. So there! I may be a zippy driver, but I am not a reckless one.

Electronic church service was a good effort, but the electronics didn’t work as expected. Turns out our bandwidth is too weak. By afternoon the recorded service made it to the network in full. The team did a great job and is still learning how to adapt to this new operating surround!

I couldn’t believe how long the president was on TV for his covid-19 update. He recounted all he has done for the pandemic response and reiterated it twice. That made the ‘press conference’ overly long. We turned it off. This morning I learned the governors are faulting the White House for inaction to deliver needed medical supplies to protect health workers during the pandemic. He continues to think he is doing enough, thus his overly long recounting of details others can and should handle. He protests too much.

That’s enough little things for now. Just think what we were working on before this outbreak. Real issues. Real problems. Real progress. All for the human race. On the other hand, now we can sleep and refresh our bodies for the fight ahead.

The question is: for what?

March 24, 2020

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