Thursday, November 19, 2020

Building on Positive

These are hard days. Stark realities. Painful outcomes.

We live them as we must, one hour at a time, one day at a time. Time passes and we move on with life. We cast our sight on possibilities. We think of potentials and plan the steps needed to uncover them.

The sun rises. The birds sing. Our lungs are filled with fresh air. These are positives that visit often. They are present to be valued and used. Steppingstones to possible.

Resources exist to advance our condition. In time of pandemic research and science promise treatments and cures, vaccines and medications to calm the afflicted. Disciplined talent tirelessly seeks the positive using the positive. They succeed. Our answers are forming with delivery in the offing.

This advance will quell the pandemic in time. Months will be needed for greater effects. The ‘normal’ of yesterdays will not return, but a new normal shall form. We will know it. And use it. And live it.

The positive will out. The possible will be birthed. Our potential unfurls for bright tomorrows.

This is as it always has been. The march of time contains challenge and pain. It also embraces the seed of the new. Be ready for it. Engage it. Be it.

Positive is present. It is ours to be.

November 19, 2020


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