Monday, November 9, 2020

Some Thoughts on China

Bemused at American Election: reports from China appear her leaders are amused that America’s election was so difficult, divided, and unclear. Their reaction is appropriate for a culture where elections are not democratic. Citizen participation and engagement is not welcome. Only party politics rule China. Chinese culture is difficult to understand. It is long. Very old. And so very different from most other cultures. That makes it difficult for foreigners to understand. Evidently, that goes for China, too!

Democracy is messy precisely because it engages everyone. Not everyone participates. That’s not a good thing, but that’s not the system, that’s the individual person choosing to be self-centered and unconcerned with the larger community. It is their loss. In the end full-on democracy requires involvement of the people. China doesn't allow that; it doesn't understand America because of that.

Not an Enemy of America: China needs to strengthen its diplomatic tactics and strategies. If it sees America as an enemy, she is wrong. America is a competitor for ideas, products, services, commerce and leadership. It is not a military enemy. However, not knowing her intention, America is correct in preparing defenses against unfriendly nation’s and rogue powers. Such are ISIS, Syria, Russia and possibly China. So, China, if you see an enemy in America, look first to your own mirror and note what you see there. Then, sit down at a roundtable discussion and learn about the entire global village. America is not the leader of the world. Neither is China or Russia. Or anyone else. This is a world community and we work as best we can together. As one.

Global Community a Problem for Them: We live on one planet. It is both our home and our backyard. No one controls the whole of the planet. We must live mindful lives that we are not alone nor are we fully in charge. Some do not understand this. They think power and money are synonymous. They are wrong.

Cooperation and collaboration spell power and well-being. For everyone. And peace.

International Trade – 2-Way Street: We need something not available at home, we go to a market where we can buy it. Down the street or across oceans. Same for those next door or across the street. They sell what they can so they can buy what they need. That’s how commerce works.

Internationally, it works the same way. There are barriers naturally, like language, culture, distance, government protections, tariffs and competition. But those barriers are offered on our side as well.

Both parties to commerce must learn to deal with each other. That makes it a two-way street. And natural. Open up trade. Let commerce reign freely. Money will follow where it will earn the best return. That includes invention, research and development, and innovation. So far, America has leadership in all of those arenas. But only if we invest in the future, education and well-being of all of our people.

A two-way street requires cooperation abroad. And collaboration at home.

November 9, 2020




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