Thursday, May 20, 2021

Congress Able?

I have been reading a lot of articles and journals lately about world affairs. So many challenges. So many possible positions to combat problems, avoid others, and prepare a future that builds on positive opportunities, not negative defensives. For Americans, we have a tri-partite form of government that provides checks and balances. These also could perform as creative centers challenging one another to find best solutions to common problems. But there is a problem.

Congress has shirked its role in creating, managing, balancing. Instead, it has blocked. Mindlessly blocked possible solutions. Intentionally not cooperating with creative solutions. It has made decisions solely on politics and ideology. No research. No discovery. Just litmus test reactions to an idea proffered by someone else.

This is abdication of duty. It is intentional. Well-practiced, too. Long standing, as well, about 30 years now, maybe more.

Here are some issues that ought not be about ideology. These are issues that serve the common good of our nation, not just for our own people, but for long-term international competitive survival with global powers:

·        Renewal of infrastructure

·        Expansion of technology – access to, speed and load capacity, integration of technologies, etc.

·        Access to education of all based on their interest and capability; maximize personal growth

·        Immigration reform – it is the core of our national identity; the system is broken and needs repair for the good of all of us; not protective but expansive, healing and inventive

·        Access to healthcare – universal, preventative, innovative

·        Environmental protection and health – heal the planet’s wounds

·        Foreign relations focused on global peace

An example: China poses a major competitive threat in education, science and economic power. All of these are healthy challenges we can respond to. However, the power to do so rests mostly with Congress. But they are not even talking about the issues listed above. Rather, they bicker and posture among themselves and their parties to serve insular values rather than those that support the commonweal – of nation and global village.

A nation focused on self is an enemy unto itself. We must have outward focus to survive global life.

If our governance machinery is bogged down with internal strife, then we all lose. Our friends and allies lose. Our enemies win.

Congressional dysfunction must be repaired. Or sidestepped? How do we restore institutional functioning? Who has some practical answers to this enigma? Please, not another short-term fix. We need life-long, value oriented rehabilitation. Perhaps we can eliminate Congress with another institution?


May 20, 2021

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