Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Something From Nothing?

No, not really. Something always comes from something else. Whether it is a worn out idea that frustrates us, or a fresh thought that motivates us, ideas come to us because of some logical connection to something that matters. Border crisis is evidently comfortable to Americans; comfortable enough they do not think of alternative solutions. They tsk-tsk about the ‘crisis’ at the border but do nothing about it. They talk about it without going the extra step to think on what to do about it.

We have built walls. We have built water barriers. We have constructed guard towers, remote camera networks, alarm systems and a bevy of other tools. To do what? Discourage immigration? To scare people away? To pretend we have an impenetrable barrier to newcomers.

Well, we do not.

Desperation continues unabated in lives of escapees. They seek safety. They seek a means of employment. They seek opportunity in which to embrace their family. We do not know what that desperation is like. We do not understand it. We are just afraid of strangers living among us, of the needs we will be asked to pay for. Perhaps competition for resources and jobs? Maybe internal strife and domestic terrorism? What about loss of our identity and culture?

All good topics to divert our attention to the real problems. There are two: first the reason why people are desperate enough to leave everything behind to gain a fresh start. Second, why we are afraid of their joining us, becoming one with us.

The first problem can be understood through study and education. That problem can also be fixed if enough resources are sent to the nations in distress and help them overcome their problems so desperate citizens are healed and loved. Those efforts have been attempted and bungled. They have echoed of nation building and failed. We have even aided emigres to resettle in other nations so they are safe but not our problem on our border. That has not worked either; the receiving nations were overburdened by large numbers of immigrants overwhelming their own small populations.

The second problem – our inhospitality, is a different problem. It is also more difficult because we have to unhitch the reality of history and fact – we all are immigrants in our land. Face that and move toward solving a myriad of problems we fear. Face them and generate innovative solutions. The enterprise, the effort alone, is rewarding.

Life is change. Confronting change leads to creative thinking and invention. Invention leads to new products and services and new business opportunities. It also leads to human services, education, medical support and a host of commercial ventures that make all of this possible. In the end it leads to jobs. Small businesses or large, jobs are created to meet demands. Money is exchanged to fuel the transactions. The economy bustles with new activity. Expanded activity. The more we do this the more we learn and the more adaptive and creative we become.

All of this is change. All change is uncomfortable. But all change is the cause of invention.

Get involved. Understand the human tragedy unfolding in nations not far from our own. Know these are people needing care and love. Learn what challenges this will mean to our people. Then solve those challenges. They are the meat of new opportunities.

Seize those to remake lives. Ours and theirs.

We both win.

May 5, 2021


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