Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Another Dead Cop

Read a post lamenting the death of a policewoman in Chicago. The writer claimed the Mayor and the City’s Attorney Kim Foxx should resign immediately. As though the cop’s death was the full blame of these two women.

I’m here to say ‘baloney.’ I wonder if the writer is a white male accusing two black women?  I don’t know. Just wondering. I also wonder why:

-Guns flood streets of Chicago with little effect of gun laws

-Guns flood America while white America insists on 2nd Amendment rights to gun ownership

-Guns kill more people than auto accidents but have less regulation than auto ownership

-Guns kill more cops than any other weapon; cops are armed, all of them. Why are they dying by guns? I hear owning and carrying a gun makes you safe?

The Mayor of Chicago and its City Attorney are both committed public servants to leading the city to a better future. However, they are having to do this at a time when gun violence has swept the city for years. This did not start on their watch, but they are left to manage it. With what tools will they do that when gun ownership is at an all-time high, gun laws are at their weakest effectiveness (by design?), and cops are blamed for violence throughout the nation.

Might the most common cause of violence be unregulated gun ownership and trafficking? Might the second most common cause of violence be our society’s loss of decency and justice? There is a malaise overtaking our consciousness as though someone specifically must be to blame for our problems. Why don’t we look squarely in the mirror each morning and wonder if I can do more about solving the problems? How much blame is on all of us for allowing these problems to be manipulated and covered up by political hacks, favored industries and pure greed?

When will we learn that our community, our nation, our society is what we make it and allow it to become? In the end we are the keepers of our national soul. Don’t like it? Then focus on the problems and their true cause. Then put our minds together and find solutions to those problems.

We are more than our problems. We are the sum of our hopes and dreams pursued.

Let’s make great things happen for the common good.

August 10, 2021



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