Thursday, August 12, 2021

#MeToo and Politics

Cuomo is gone. Franzen is gone. So too others in the ever present game of sexual politics. Yet is this a game played or a lasting value orientation?

Recall Supreme Court Justice nomination hearings. Kavanaugh’s name come to mind? Clarence’s name emerges from the memory bank? Anyone else? Donald Trump? This is a list that is endless, memory only keeps it trimmed.

Notice anything interesting? Political party, maybe? Political ideology?

Look, liberals and Democrats are guilty of sexual misconduct just like the conservatives and Republicans. But somehow the party label seems to be harsher on one party than the other. Why is that? Or is my memory selective and faulty?

Whether it is missteps with sexual behavior, or illegal activity of other kinds, politicians – public servants, elected or otherwise – are attacked unmercifully. The blame and fault finding drones on and on. When did we become so judgmental? Endlessly judgmental?

Have we helped these people do the job we elected them to? Or were hired to do for a government agency? Or do we simply wait for a misstep of some type or other, then pounce?

It is a wonder anyone wants to run for political office, or accept a job offer from an agency working on behalf of the public’s interest. They are open to blithering scrutiny and judgment. Is some of this necessary? Yes. We entrust these people with heavy responsibilities. We hope they will behave appropriately. If they don't, somehow our form of life, society and values are at risk.

But this is true for everyone else, too. Just because you may work for a private firm or own your own business, does not mean you act without scrutiny from others. Do you want this 'supervision'? Do you want someone peering over your shoulder of ethical and moral character? Always. 24/7/365?

I am not suggesting that sexual peccadilloes be ignored. Far from it. Hold everyone accountable for their behavior. Everyone. In all roles of life. And for all ethical and moral concerns, not just sexual.

If we hold only public officials accountable, what kind of social order do we really have? And who is left to judge it?

August 12, 2021



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