Thursday, August 9, 2012


The Internet has provided a wealth of information if we are committed to pursue it. For example:

“A few dates Republicans should know:
·         George W. Bush: in office January 20, 2001 to January 20, 2009
·         June 7, 2001: Bush tax cuts signed into law
·         May 28, 2003: tax law signed reducing dividend and capital gains taxes
·         December 2007: the recession starts
·         September 2008: Lehman Brothers sinks and triggers massive panic in the banking industry deepening the recession
·         October 3, 2008: Wall Street bailout passed
·         Between July 2008 and January 2009: the country lost 3.47 million jobs

Then President Obama took office:
·         June 2009: recession ends
·         February 2010: current streak of 29 months of private sector job growth begins
·         February 2012: GM posts record profits 2 years after auto bailout
·         February 2012: stocks up 100% from March 2009 recession lows
·         August 2011 to February 2012: unemployment has largest 6 month decline since 1984
·         January 2009to present: 4.5 million private sector jobs created since Obama took office
·         2011 edition of the annual billionaires ranking compiled by Forbes Magazine broke new records, both in terms of the number of billionaires (1210) and their total wealth of $4.5 trillion

All of those entries deserve some serious consideration and study from all readers. These are not Romney Facts (made up); these are facts from economic reports gathered by Wall Street, Forbes and universities.  Once you’ve committed them to memory, then listen to Mitt Romney’s oratory and recognize the flat out lies. Also, his team including supporting republican senators like Lindsay Graham. Pure nonsense they are spewing. They know it. Do you?

More importantly, do the lemmings who follow the republican junk words really believe this stuff and intend to vote for it?  Why?  I really want to know why they would do so.  I have some theories, but I’d like to know from others why these people behave the way they do.

Here’s another quote from Mitt Romney’s speech in Jerusalem:

“Do you realize what health care spending is as a percentage of the GDP in Israel?  8 Percent.  And you’re a pretty healthy nation. We spend 18 percent of our GDP on health care. And we have to find ways to finally manage our health care costs.”

Sorry Mitt but this fact jumps out at you: Israelis enjoy universal health care coverage with an individual mandate.

Yep, that’s the same universal health care you thought was such a good idea for Massachusetts but isn’t a good idea when it is supported by Obama. Now who looks foolish and the flip flopper?

Another conservative republican theory plastered all over America:
“God will judge America over abortion and gay marriage.”


“So let me get this straight…God didn’t judge America over the millions of natives that were raped and murdered and had their land stolen…He didn’t judge America over the millions of Africans that had boulders tied to their legs, were thrown into the ocean…or raped and enslaved for centuries…He didn’t judge America over prejudice and genocide of an entire culture, the intentional inequities that exist in our nation, and the fact that we ignore the needs of the poor…but He’s gonna judge us over abortion and gay marriage…Ok, now I got it.”

I really cannot imagine an intelligent person understanding and supporting the point of view laid out above. But I guess hate groups do that sort of thing because they don’t get it. That’s why Mr. Page killed 6 Sikhs in Milwaukee last Sunday. That’s why a bright medical student killed all those people in the Aurora, Colorado movie theatre. Right? We have sickos in our midst and they do crazy things to other innocent people. We wonder why. I don’t wonder about them any more. I wonder about voters who do not get it but screw our nation up regardless of logic.

Oh my! How tragic.

August 9, 2012

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