Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ben Carson Ascending

Yes, quiet Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon and now republican presidential candidate, has finally broken from the pack and garnered polling numbers that place him at the top of their heap.

And what a heap it is. Once the pack numbered 14 candidates with more muttering their intent to also enter the sweepstakes, a few have withdrawn from the contest and so the number is now maybe ten serious candidates.  At the top of the numbers nationally are Ben Carson and Donald Trump.

Independents both, these two men have captured attention precisely because they were saying things the others were not. They dared to open cans of worms mostly left alone by other candidates. And they spoke directly.

Not always quietly, mind you! The Donald is noisy in his assertions and claims. He makes faces and hand gestures that would embarrass a Tea Queen in Brooklyn! And that’s just fine with him. In fact, it is his style and brand. Speak directly, boldly and maybe even nastily. It get’s attention and he won’t lose any sponsors with check books because he’s writing his own checks anyway.

Ben, on the other hand, has been oh so quiet and polite. When asked for substantive interviews he willingly gives up ideas and quotes that surprise many, but it is direct and not made in impolite tones of voice. No, Ben is a polite and mannerly person. Someone you would be willing to bring home and introduce to your mother.

As Donald continued to make waves throughout the land so did hackles grow with his temperature. Eventually died-in-the-wool republicans felt The Donald was not their kind of candidate. Too rough and definitely not chic, sophisticated or very nice. The latter is mostly the problem. Not a nice guy. Kindness is not a term used to describe The Donald.

And so attention was turned toward the one who is kindness personified. Ben Carson.

Now, if you really take a look at what his positions are on the many issues bandied about the campaign trail, you will find pointed conservative talking points. Illegal immigrants ought not to be in America. Women do not have the legal right to have an abortion. Government needs to be small and not at all intrusive in the lives of Americans' daily routines. Nothing surprising here.

The only problem we note about Ben is his poorly worded discussion points. He has claimed all illegal immigrants should be stripped of their citizenship! Well, Ben; they don’t have citizenship so they don’t have it to be stripped of. That’s how it works. It is part of the definition of being an illegal immigrant. Now what you would do about it is still an open question. Will you build a wall on the borders? Will you deport 11 million illegal immigrants all at once? Where to, pray tell? And with whose money are you supporting this expensive emigration?

And pray tell, why doesn’t a fully adult woman have any reproductive rights about her pregnancy? Why do you think a non-intrusive government should suddenly have the right to rule over a woman’s right to choose? Huh? Some of us really want to know your logic on this point.

And how do you think America should manage education? Whose standards drive the efforts to prepare kids for the future? And recapture and assist adults with retooling for newer careers when their old ones abandoned their knowledge base? Do we have 50 states deciding what the standards are? And again, who pays?

And what of religion intersecting with government and policy and decision making? Do you have a prescription for handling all of this? And the courts, commerce and infrastructure common to us all?

Hummmm. Seems there are some substantive issues your quiet approach is leaving untouched. What then should all of us think of your positions?

Governance, Ben, is leadership. It is not abandonment for all others to mess up and take charge of. “Where vacuums exist all folly enters the stage.” Remember that old saying? Seems to me the folly has long been with us. Why haven’t you provided the leadership so needed?

If you are to remain on top of the polls you will need to address these points. And soon.

Of course the Donald has claimed that if his poll numbers decline he will remove himself from the presidential race. Oh if that were true! But his successor in the polls needs to speak up knowledgeably. Your public hungers for that.

When will we hear your polite refrains?

October 28, 2015

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