Monday, July 11, 2016

Clintons: Charmed or Lucky?

So much has been written, spoken and filmed about both Hillary and Bill Clinton over the years it seems fruitless to dredge anything up again. Besides, our so called balanced media won’t give up on this topic precisely because it makes them money to keep talking about it all.

There is a problem, however. Many people have heard the allegation that the Clintons are corrupt, but never proven. And so they say there is smoke and where there is smoke there must be fire.

Well no. Sometimes someone is smoking a pipe, cigar or cigarette and their smoke is near someone else. That doesn’t mean that the someone else is smoking. Nor does the nonsmoker bear any responsibility for the smoker or vice versa. It is a non issue. But if someone says it is then it is repeated over and over again until someone asks the media to look into it.

Did you know this is how most investigations in Washington DC occur? Someone complains and then a newspaper item is written about that chance remark or complaint and then another person picks it up. Good gossip, don’t you know. Eventually, however, someone in the power structure thinks it would be a good thing to launch an investigation either to find out what the talk is all about, or put to rest the languid gossip. Sometimes something is found but happenstance, rarely from the complaint itself. So much time and money wasted on this sort of thing.

Politicians are another breed. If they think a competitor in their field of influence might be a threat, then they find ways to have investigations launched against the enemy. Republicans have been very good at this for many years. They especially targeted the Clintons when Bill was President. They never found anything. They launched all kinds of complaints and investigations but never found anything.

After a while they learned it didn’t matter if nothing was learned; all that truly mattered was to cast the suspicion. And so they did. Over and over again. Endlessly. When they couldn’t get anything on Bill they poked around Hillary. They didn’t find anything there then, either.

Now years later republicans are salivating over the ‘work’ they can do against Hillary in their mad attempt to win the White House, even if it is the Donald who is the nominal President. So, with it known that Hillary was positioning herself for a run for the White House, republicans focused on getting her for Benghazi. They didn’t of course. And all the while the public learned that it was the Congress who refused to fund proper security for Middle Eastern US embassies. More likely than not this is the basic cause of loss of life in the Benghazi facility. That and the military response was slow, not something Hillary can be blamed for. So years later, leaked suggestive memos signifying nothing, and a lot of hot air before hearings and TV cameras and the republicans found nothing. They are embarrassed by that, no doubt. So now they focus again for the 40th time on her emails.

George W Bush mishandled emails. So did Colin Powell. And Condi Rice, and a host of others in high offices. They all were trying to communicate with their teams as quickly as possible and as directly as possible. Technology and security measures for technology are not always in sync. And operating arenas do not all adapt to evolving technology at the same rate. This happens in business, in private life and in government life.

So trouble makers make more accusations against Hillary or anyone else they can grab onto that they are currently interested in smearing. This is not accountability. It is far from collaboration or cooperation. But it does spell SMEAR loud and clear. For only political reasons.

Now that nothing was found other than the normal carelessness of pressed schedules, the FBI found nothing but had to handle the investigation professionally anyway. Broken laws? No. Intended misdeeds. Again no. Mistakes and crowded time frames maybe, but that isn’t a legal infraction either. Besides, if it were, we would all be in detention or prison!

So, get a grip folks. It is hard enough to govern a small village let alone an entire nation. It takes attention, team work, and lots of assets in the form of technology, organizations and equipment to do the job. Our elected officials merit our help and cooperation, not our nasty, sarcasm and poisoned innuendo. Help them do their job for the good of us all.

On the other hand, if you truly know something that is absolutely fail sale true and a breaking of the law, then spit it out. All at once, please. Enough with the bit by bit dribbled out throughout an entire campaign. Those campaigns are ugly enough; don’t go making them worse!

If you really have a hankering to go after someone, what better and more fruitful field is there than Donald Trump and all his problems? Now there’s a juicy target.


July 11, 2016

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