Wednesday, January 25, 2017

New Reality

Face it. We live in a new time. Politics has upended value systems long fought for and achieved. The new order diminishes the following: women, gays, immigrants, hard workers, achievers, entrepreneurs, creators, science, theology, intellect and history.

Evidently what has been awarded value are: greed, wealth, power, lack of curiosity, less education and manipulation of people, resources and facts.

White males feel aggrieved and so they stole the houses of government from the people. Under educated people felt aggrieved so they helped the white males redress wrongs they didn’t understand. All the problems in their homes, neighborhoods, towns, states and regions, yes, even the nation, are the problem caused by someone else. Not them. The power of Alternative Facts comes alive! So they rallied around that single thing and voted a nothing into office. 

Well that nothing most likely will accomplish little but damage. Intentional or not, damage will be done. Let’s explore the what:

-Infrastructure: yes, like anything man made and of use, it requires maintenance. Occasionally it will require rebuilding from scratch or replacement. But there is another issue – if replacement is necessary, ought it be in the same shape, design and location as the present structure? That is a strategic question in need of serious answer. I wonder if the ‘nothing person’ is capable of asking that question and answering it correctly?

-Education: yes, like any institution, it requires maintenance, occasional redesign, and tweaking to maintain its ability to produce desired results. But first we must identify those desired results. Do we understand them? Have we accurately identified them? And do we know how to acquire those results? What then needs to be changed in the institution to produce those desired results? Does the trump team know how to manage this? Or will they dump and replace regardless that they will destroy the good with the bad?

-Foreign Affairs: the objective is what? World peace I’d say. That means sharing the peace with everyone for common good of all. But if the objective is America First, then world peace will not be available except by way of domination and military might – and death of many millions of innocent people. In the nuclear age those millions might turn out to be billions of people. And then the question is what are we left with? And are you so certain ours is the nation to survive the new nuclear holocaust? Strategic minds of goodwill are needed here, not minds of narcissism and self aggrandizement.

-International Economics: everyone re read Thomas Friedman’s The World Is Flat. Then reread it. Discuss in group. Agree on the important issues and operative methods. Only then discard self-serving national economics. International economics requires free trade so the elements of production are used for their best and highest economic good wherever they are found. Best designs. Best materials. Best manufacturing methods. Best labor. Best minds. Etc. When this is done the ‘free market’ identifies those who can succeed without artificial supports of tariffs and trading agreements. The art of the deal doesn’t hold sway here. Only economics open and free. If in doubt of this conclusion, reread The World Is Flat.

-Healthcare: accessible to all through universal care, standards and scientific discovery. This benefits everyone. Peace on Earth Goodwill Toward All Men.  Remember this? That should be the motto of the healthcare system. It belongs to all of us, not just the wealthy or powerful. Share the good with all so all will be good and empowered to survive and fulfill the many promises of a talented global population.

-Military: do what we have to do to protect against evil, but no more. Work hard to find agreement and peace and then maintain that. No offensive designs. Remove all nuclear weaponry. No need for them. Work toward that end.

-Democracy: it works best when the electorate listens to one another, works toward common goals, and celebrates our common humanity. It does not work if the goal is bald power to exercise over others. Knowledge is the true power. Facts and hard logic.

Every religion throughout history has preached love one another and yet we don’t. We are afraid someone will take advantage of us. Well guess what? They are already taking advantage of you. The only way to break that cycle is to love them no matter what. And then – if they love you back at long last – you won’t have to be afraid of them.

Seems to me we should try to live by this while we can. Before it is too late.

If you believe this to be true our churches should be full of grateful worshipers. The opposite is true – the churches stand mostly empty or underused. And yet there are many who claim to be worshipers and believers. Where are they? What are they saying? What are they doing?

My, my! The emperor is not the only one without clothes.

January 25, 2017

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