Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Losing Our Way

It is official: America has lost its way. It no longer cares about its people, old or young, healthy or sick, mentally fit or in deep despair, poor or middle class. The only people cared for in today’s America are the rich. And they are not always the best educated, either; in fact, many are below mediocre students having had much in life given to them on a golden platter. Or from blind luck.

For some reason those who have been left behind by changes in their employment and disappearing industries, have sided with the rich and the arrogant to give them power to reshape our society and government. The outcomes are not our outcomes, but theirs. Yet Trump supporters still don’t get the big picture and what they are now losing.

The repeal and replacement of Obamacare is a political stunt. The Affordable Health Care Act was a legislative answer to provide affordable health care to the masses. It did that; not entirely, but it was well on its way. And it saved the nation tens of billions of dollars privately and again in the federal government’s treasury. The system was imperfectly created due to political opposition, but it was still working and could easily have been improved and repaired.

But no, republican politicians attempted to embarrass President Obama by removing his signature piece of legislation. I think they have embarrassed themselves in this act of perfidy. Along the way opponents of this move have declared war on Congressional Members’ health benefits. So fearful of losing their own cherished benefits, they exempted them specifically with the new legislation that kills the ACA. How generous of them. Stab the American people in the back but protect your own!

And that, folks, is why the Congress must be replaced. They have forgotten who they work for and who elected them. They must be removed and replaced.

I would also suggest removing the president. He has accomplished nothing but chaos in his 100+ days and demonstrated not only callous disregard for his own people, but a totally uneducated understanding of American governance. And history!

Haven’t we had enough of Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and Trump? Isn’t it about time we get back on track and serve the people of the nation as we are supposed to do?

Or are you still one of those people too lazy to truly learn about the issues, read deeply of them, and research cause, effect, result of the many missteps currently underway?

Just how lost are we as a nation?

Timely question. What are the answers?

May 9, 2017

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