Friday, January 5, 2018

Finding a Leader for Democrats

Age has something to do with selecting a political leader. We want someone who won’t die in office due to ill health or old age. There have been exceptions, of course; notably Reagan, trump, Eisenhower, and others.

Using age as a limiter, however, is smart. Bernie Sanders is too old – 76 now; 79 if he wins the 2020 election. Hillary is in her 70’s and should be eliminated from consideration for that reason. Trump is 71 and should be eliminated due to age, too.

Yes, I think we should be looking for leadership in people in their 50’s and 60’s. Joe Biden is a good and decent man; he deserves our respect; but not our support for President; he is in his 70’s and that’s the point of no contest.
Age does not limit the usefulness of a person. Far from it; older persons have experience, maturity of spirit, and wisdom to share; but such sharing does not include vital leadership. Elders are good behind the scenes team members.

So, who do we have among the Democrats that would be a good candidate for president in 2020?

Here’s a long list:

Current Democrat Senators:

Elizabeth Warren

Kamala Harris

Kirsten Gillibrand

Cory Booker

Tammy Baldwin

Current Democrat Congress persons: [Note: I'm from Illinois and observe our politicians more closely; undoubtedly other talents exist in other states; I'm unaware of such talents]

Mike Quigley, Illinois

Jan Schakowsky, Illinois

Brad Schneider, Illinois

Bill Foster, Illinois

Juaquin Castro, Texas

Others with leadership skills:

Gov Andrew Cuomo, New York

Gov. Mark Dayton, Minnesota

Gov. Terry McCauliffe, Virginia

That’s it for me. I’m sure there are others who would be good but I am unaware of them because they have not been much on the national stage. That alone is a problem for the Democrats. They do not support or nurture fresh faces and minds for national leadership.

Back in the day I would have suggested many republicans for national leadership. Not today. The GOP is narrow, not internationally minded, not focused on peace but on militaristic power scenarios. They also actively work against investing in the American people: defund healthcare, education, research, science expansion, etc. They fund rich people, not ordinary everyday people. That is their legacy for 30 years and evidently going forward.

The job now belongs to Democrats and they will need to step up to the task.

I’m open to suggestions as to what talent resides in the Democratic Party currently. Speak up folks. The future belongs to those who prepare for it and have the guts to do the hard work.

January 5, 2018

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