Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Let’s Talk

Conversation. People sharing ideas and thoughts. Ideas are creative and connect with many topics and embrace starkly differing themes. They attempt to understand things – complex and simple – things that don’t always connect with one another. Such is the process of discovering new ideas. With such new thinking come new possibilities.

Sharing thoughts is another form of conversation entirely. Thoughts are personal. They often meander among several topics, experiences, emotions and a whole lot of ‘whatever’. Sharing thoughts is a way of sharing the self with others and discovering parts of the inner life not normally explored. This is where opinion lives most likely. At least, this is where opinion most probably forms. Who knows? As I said, this is an exploration, an act of discovery, and a very personal one at that.

The mix of ideas and thoughts, however, is yet another dimension. We deal with this every day to some degree. It is the yin and yang of life; the opposites pulling at each other, the stretching of both experience and thinking. Pondering. Meditating, too. Wondering.

I think we need to allow ourselves more freedom with this. Allow is used here broadly. I need to allow myself to ponder these matters so I am more fully aware of my own dimension – ability and dis-ability. At any given moment I am more lucid or not than another moment. I understand some things one moment and am very much in the dark on others at the same time. Fitting these things together into a meaningful semblance is a high task. It takes time and patience to work through.

Allow me the freedom to do this without too much negative pressure or judgment. That’s an allowance I need to perform some of these block building acts of the self; I need to return that favor and allow you to do the same.

It helps if we realize that idea and thought are two different things. One is universal and the other personal. The personal is often unformed. Raw. It is idea in formation so it is delicate and not ready yet for judgment. My own judgment, sure; yours, no. I need space to better form those thoughts.

The ideas shared among a broader audience is a different proposition. Ideas are the grist we can use among each other and build better understanding toward shared goals.

The distinction is important. It is the difference between discussion and argument. One is positive and helpful. The other is negative energy bent on destroying something not understood. Because it is often emotion, the discussion turns into a conversation that is personal and out of bounds of public sharing.

That is the disconnect among many of us consuming news feeds these days. We often are fed thoughts instead of ideas. One is emotionally based while the other is fact based.

I share this thought: be careful what you consume as fact. It may be only ill-formed thought. It may be intentionally offered to mislead.

A lot of that going around these days. Beware.

February 28, 2018

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