Monday, May 27, 2019

Do Nothing Congress

Yes, we are used to this syndrome of dysfunction – the congress of the USA does little or nothing.

Each political party blocks the other from accomplishing much of anything. Of course this is done intentionally. It is a power play politicians do. “You do something for me, and I will do something for you.”

This is child’s play for all to see. And it is disgusting to the bulk of Americans who know there is much work to do.

Of course, this happens currently because we have a sitting president who wants it this way. He wants a wall? Then support it with funding and legislation; meanwhile I will reward you by doing something you want, maybe $1 trillion in infrastructure projects?

We call this what it is – blackmail.

tRump is a conman and well versed on such tactics as the above. “Do as I say, or you will pay.”

His supporters don’t appear to realize not much has happened under the tRump regime. A lot hasn’t happened; maybe that’s what they are angling for?

Of course, a tax cut was pushed through Congress, but it is a ruinous financial tragedy. Lower taxes means lower government revenues, so many needed programs simply do not get funded. This is what his supporters call ‘smaller government.’ Too bad they rely on those programs more than the rest of us. One day they will feel the pinch and wonder how that happened.

It will be the DUH moment for them. The rest of us already know this is coming. We understand how this works. And countless lives of good innocent people are tossed into unnecessary suffering because of it.

tRump’s public theater involving the meeting with Shumer and Pelosi on May 22 was about infrastructure. Supposedly a $2 trillion program. Most likely it will be half of that. But the program is needed for thousands of reasons, mainly to keep the nation competitive in its commitment to commerce, industry, transportation and national defense. The president has no intention of supporting the programs UNLESS he gets what he wants: his Wall, and dropping all impeachment language.

Problem is we have ample evidence of impeachable offenses. Whether that evidence is good enough for a conviction, of if the republican controlled Senate would even give the matter fair hearing, is beside the point. Democrats do not want to impeach. It would be a huge distraction and bar other, more important work to get done. Besides it is the president himself who is daring his opposition to impeach him. He makes grandstanding plays to mislead, but he truly wants the distraction to continue. That way he can claim his good intentions were blocked by politics.

The truth of the matter is he is the political con man standing in the way of progress. We’ve known this all along. He relies on us to know this.

That’s what makes him the perfect con man.

May 27, 2019

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