Monday, May 20, 2019

Treason Defined

Mr. tRump claims his campaign was spied on in 2016. That was only the FBI doing what it must do to prove or DISprove allegations of wrongdoing. The allegations were that the trump campaign colluded with Russian leaders and oligarchs to change the outcome of the election in favor of trump.

We know from the Mueller Report that many aspects of this allegation were true. But it didn’t fit the definition of collusion or conspiracy as our court system’s precedents demand.

That action does not constitute spying. It was police work plain and simple.

What wasn’t simple was the holy reign of terror released on the Hillary Clinton campaign. That was spying by trump supporters, GOP senators and a bunch of conservative right wingnuts bent on eliminating another Clinton. The FBI was called in on all of those complaints and they found nothing. Massive congressional hearings were waged against Hillary at the same time. A colossal waste of taxpayer money. And a huge distraction to a fair and open campaign. Now that's spying.

Treason is taking action – any kind – that is directed against the interests of one’s own nation to pursue a personal gain or point of view.

If that definition is applied to everything Trumpian, we have a massive case of treason. He has pursued his own power and wealth at the cost of peace, prosperity and fairness in our homeland. He is a master story teller and liar. He distracts, dissembles and makes things up on the cuff. He is a joke. He is totally not credible as a source of information. I stopped listening to him months ago. I only gather information from trusted sources and thinkers who put things together into a meaningful dialogue of facts and logic.

In a world of distrust and propaganda, the role of America in the global community is now suspect and builds more distrust and propaganda. Such is the result of treason and infamy.

We have work to do. We have peace in the world community to pursue. We have a healthy, survivable planet to work toward, we have education for the masses, health care for the masses, and clean water for the masses to acquire. A lot of work to do. Best we get to it.

Meanwhile, let the lawyers and historians and researchers toil to solve the trump problem. He must be made irrelevant if not removed from office. I don’t care much which is the final result. However, as long as we have this treasonous buffoon preoccupying our attention and news media, nothing of value will get done.

Playing games to divide the people of our nation is flat out wrong. Religion and government have no role with one another. So too laws with respect to any religion. That means we are not subject to religious laws. Period. So get the abortion/pro-life argument off the table. Same with immigration. That chaos has been with us for generations and no congress ever tried to tackle it. Some senators and representatives tried, but they were shouted down by their own party leaders. Even presidents desired to fix this. George W Bush is one; Barack Obama is another. But congress said no.

Blame for the immigration mess is on all of us. No wall will solve it. Only fairness and kindness will. That does not mean open borders. So stop accusing anti-wall people of open border hooligans. We are not. Just another tag line from the propaganda-in-chief divider.

This is our time for people of America to stand united in face of infamy and treason. It is time to work toward workable solutions and regain our moral standards. Each to his own as always.

Let the rotten applies decay together at the bottom of the barrel where they belong. Their remains will become manure to feed the fields of crops we all need to prosper. At least that’s one good end from such evil doing.

May 20, 2019

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