Friday, December 6, 2019

Ugly Truths

The season of hope and joy is here. It is Christmas Time 2019. There is much to be grateful for. There are great reasons to smile. At the same time, however, ugly lives among us.

Here are some examples of the point:

1.      Half of all Americans work at low income wage jobs

2.      Poverty among children is growing

3.      Household incomes have stagnated for more than 20 years when accounting for inflation

4.      College students are 60% females; where have the males gone?

5.      Higher education is denigrated increasingly

6.      Human trafficking is real and growing; it is not all about sexual predation, either

7.      The wealthiest 1 % increase their wealth while the other 99% suffer wealth declines

8.      Healthcare access is not equal; the poor suffer disproportionately

9.      Healthy diets are related to income; food finds the money and the poor are left behind

10.   Facts are not received fairly; opinion and emotion gain most attention

11.   Politics is not governance; process and clear thinking lead to fair governance

12.   What we say we believe does not match our behavior. We often do not do for others what we wish they would do for us. The dichotomy of intentions and actions speak truth loudly.

That’s enough for now. Read the twelve uglies above. Think on each of them. Discern whether each is true or not. What are your observations and experiences? What outcomes do you think we should strive toward? What priorities do each have in relation to the others?  Which ugly truths are not on the list that should be? Which are on the list that should be removed?

Each of us is accountable for all of these in some manner or other. How much of this are we aware? Do we care? Care enough to make a difference and act differently?

These are immoral times in which we live. That doesn’t mean we can avoid living morally.

What is right? What is wrong? What needs to change?

December 6, 2019

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