Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Gotta Tell Ya

I simply have to spill the beans. Many things have been building up since I last unloaded. The ‘angst.’ That’s pronounced aahhngst! It’s German. It means perplexity, built up feelings, not all good, fighting with one another, and angry, tied into a knot, or several!

Here are the items filling me with dread, with angst:

·        My beloved country is turned upside down. What once was correct, is now wrong. People act terribly toward one another and specific groups and get away with it. Even with cheers from the sidelines.

·        One President is prosecuted and impeached for lying. Another one lies all the time – all the time – and gets away with it. The first guy lied about a sexual peccadillo performed in the White House. Impeached but not found guilty of an impeachable offense. The second fella has done all sorts of things dealing with the government’s operations, policies, and actions, lied about them, and is being defended as though those are not impeachable offenses. Really? Why the first guy and not the second? One was a sexual, personal thing; the other is directly related to his job description and laws governing those actions.

·        Churches all over the USA are fighting to retain their members and attendance on Sundays. These numbers have been falling for generations. Studies indicate this trend does not indicate people are losing religious beliefs, but don’t feel it necessary to belong to a church or support a church. Instead of inventing new methods to deal with this, they cut professional staff to maintain their presence and their ability. The question remains: how do they know they are doing the needed programs and impacting society in a positive, meaningful manner? Are they staying true to their theology? Their principles? There soul?

·        As the days of life dwindle down with age, what remains to be done with this life? What impact have we made? 50 years ago, we saw the needs. We addressed them, or thought we did. Now the same problems bedevil us. Why? What did we do wrong, didn’t do that needed doing? Why is our society soul-sick today as yesterday?

·        With people chasing happiness in the form of power and riches, are they happier? Are they satisfied? Are they over the moon with satisfaction? What about everyone else? Do they deserve help and nurture? Or are they merely the debris of life?

·        If we throw people on the trash heap of history (and our social policies), are we wasting what they could share for the common good by ignoring them?  How many Einsteins, Kobe Bryants, Michael Jordans, and Michaelangelos are buried in the trash heap of humanity?

·        Is global warming going to kill our planet in the lifetime of our kids and their kids?  If so, what can we do about that to avoid it, or put it off for many more generations? Do we have a duty to do this?

·        What form of government is best for humankind? Should individuals have rights to full power over their lives, or should government have full sway over individuals? Or might there be something better in between the two extremes?  What do we have now in America?

Well, you see the problems I’m living with. Struggling with, actually. These things bother me. I don’t know why. They just do. I keep looking for better answers, but….

February 4, 2020

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