Friday, February 21, 2020


I want to be a citizen of a country that values each other and embraces values of social justice for not only ourselves, but for all people throughout the world. If it is good enough for me, others should have it as well. All the while I want to live in a world that I know deep down wants me to treat others as I would have them treat me.

That’s it. That’s what I believe, think and feel.

I know the world contains both good and bad people. I know that bad things have been done to others. The why is not important; the fact that the bad has happened is the point to focus on. What is done about this occurrence is what we need to ponder. What will the consequences be for the evil act?

If we take an ‘eye for an eye’, do we not perpetuate the evil? What then happens if we do the opposite? Do we embrace the evil doer and tell him/her they are forgiven, go and do not do that evil again?

The consequence of that magnanimous act is what? Will the evil one turn his/her life around? Or will he do evil again? And if the latter, what then? What does society do about the repeater?

There is no good answer to this question. However, to assume the evil doer will repeat denies the possibility of the doer to do well rather than bad in the future. Might forgiveness cause a life to rebuild? And if so, how many chances do we allow to get this forgiveness thing right?

Those who believe in the positive are the faithful. They believe in second chances. They believe in the goodness of mankind.

Those who believe in the negative are the realists. They believe second chances are for foolish victims and they will repeat as long as they are allowed to. Ill-gotten gains will accrue to the evil doer until someone stops him. That result will motivate the evil doer to continue repeating.

Thus, a justice system was created.   

It has not worked perfectly. It is a human construct so is riven with problems and faults. However, it is administered as best it can to do justice among us.

There are those who believe some deserve better treatment than others. They lobby for wiggle room and special treatment disguised as something else. Over time such tweaks are allowed, and the system morphs a bit. Still more time and the system morphs a lot. Eventually the system becomes unrecognizable.

It is now upside-down from where it began. The guilty are allowed to walk away unscathed and unpunished. Even if they earn a modest sentence, one in greater authority awaits to pardon the guilty. Others who do not agree become enemies of the greater authority. They now feel the full weight of the justice system only now it is injustice given.

Upside-down. Downside-up. Which is your poison for a democracy run amok of its principles?

And what do we do about this? Now, not later?

February 21, 2020

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