Monday, May 24, 2021

Abortion Again?

Another wedge issue to waste our time over, abortion is an issue with easy solutions.

First, don’t have one. End of story for you. Live with all the consequences of that decision. Do not come running to taxpayers to fund your decision if the baby is not wanted.

Second, have one wherever it is available and ask for help funding your costs. People who support abortion rights will help. Also, sue the father for the costs.

Third, if you don’t believe in abortion, don’t have sex with the opposite gender.

Fourth, support legislation that will penalize men in the unwanted pregnancy. They are 50%+ of the problem.

Down to the basics, every one of the above solutions.

Legislating functioning of the female body is absurd. If you do not agree, then legislate the functioning of male bodies. That’s also absurd but people in this argument are not rational, so what does it matter?

If you want a baby, find a willing partner and do what you have to do. That is the time order of decisions in this matter. If you find yourself pregnant and don’t want the baby, then decisions were not made, or done out of order. That’s on you and your partner, not the taxpayer.

If you want sex without protection, then the cost of that comes with responsibilities. Face up to your adult responsibilities and fulfill them.

I believe abortion is the right of the woman. I think the male has a responsibility in this and must support the consequences. But the woman, if she wants the abortion, gets it no matter what. That is her body and her choice. Somewhere she should be able to get the medical attention she needs.

If America is so deluded as to keep this discussion alive for another 5 minutes, then it deserves the crap that will follow. Sheer nonsense that this question has not been settled once and for all.

My God understands this. Why doesn’t yours?

May 24, 2021




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