“Hope is wishing something would
happen. Faith is believing something will happen. Courage is making something
happen.” ~Author Unknown
You wanted the bike and let that be known. Your parents made
it happen. But now you have to imagine, struggle and work to ride it. Courage
allowed you the freedom to learn to do just that. Same with marriage. And new
job. And new home. And education. Wanting is good. Doing something to make it
happen is the victory. The rest is reward.
“A nation that is afraid to let
its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is
afraid of its people.” ~John F.
JFK may have been referring here to totalitarian regimes in
other countries. But he might say the same about today’s battle of
conservatives with the rest of their fellow Americans. They act as though they
don’t want broad based reporting to be aired. Only they can determine what the
words mean, the actions importune. What are they afraid of? Themselves? Or that
others do have the inner strength to understand the nature of things? And can
manage affairs by themselves?
“Conservatism is the blind and
fear-filled worship of dead radicals.”
~ Mark Twain
Apt follow up to the previous thought! Can’t say it any
better than Twain!
“You’re cancelling us because our
viewers are too old?” ~ Kathy Bates
“NBC Cancelled Harry’s Law because they don’t like ‘old’ viewers. Well,
we say “boycott NBC”. Join our Facebook page and let’s prove to NBC that older
viewers matter! Let’s bring TV’s best legal drama back to television.”
Author Uncertain
Perhaps you have watched this show, maybe not. We have;
every show; set DVR to record it when we knew we would miss it. Erudite script.
Up to date issues. Superb cast. Mature sensibility. Wisdom and intellect a
strong focus. Just what we all need. And who says older viewers are not a
profit center for advertisers? Last time I checked my money was just as good as
a Generation X or Y or Z………..!
“If you have to make a law that
hurts a number of people, just to prove your morals or faith, then you have no
true morals or faith to prove.”
ECards, somecards.com
Morals and faith create their own truth that guides people
in their lives. Their actions follow the truth. A law is not needed for people
to follow a belief. Their own or others’. Yet they are free to follow their own
truth without a law. No one will bother them. Why do they then bother the rest
of us?
“In this country Christians can
teach toddlers to hate and to persecute, and we, through the automatic tax
exemption for churches, foot the bill.” ~ Anne Rice
Well put, Anne! And beyond your point, churches retain their
tax exemption even while they politicize their views and urge congregations to
vote for candidates and laws that support their theology. If it is so correct,
why must a law be written? If we are free to worship and believe as we will,
why must they legislate their religious beliefs? What makes their religion
better than mine? And why then do they continue to earn their tax exemption
when they pursue not religion, but lobbying?
“Don’t judge me because I sin
differently than you.” ~Author Unknown
One wonders if religion is all about judgment. But who is
doing the judging? And why them? Why not someone else? And who says? Recall one
of my favorite quotations printed here before:
“Before you judge my life, my
past or my character…..
Walk in my shoes, walk the path I
have traveled, live my sorrow,
My doubts, my fear, my pain and
my laughter.
Remember…Everyone has a story.
When you’ve lived my life then you can judge me.”
~Author Unknown
Enough said?
And finally for this post:
“A wise old Cherokee told his grandson, ‘My child, there’s a battle
between two wolves within all of us. One is EVIL. It’s anger, jealousy, greed,
resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. The other is GOOD. It’s joy, peace,
love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth.” The boy thought about it
and asked, ‘Grandfather, which wolf wins?’ And the old man quietly replied,
‘The one you feed.’”
Be careful which wolf you feed. Let wisdom guide you on this
important path.
June 3, 2012
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