Affordable Health Care Act upheld by the Supreme Court. Too bad it wasn’t unanimous but not much is
these days. We can take comfort knowing that at least one hurdle has been
overcome in this nasty fight. Thanks to Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts for
moving beyond bitter partisan politics.
The Affordable Health Care Act is not Obamacare. That is a
derisive title pasted on the issue by republicans, tea baggers and
conservatives. They claim the act is dangerous to American health care and the
nation’s constitutional framework of governance. Well, evidently not!
Health care is everyone’s business. When the law was written
in a tumultuous clangor of bitter dispute, nearly 50 million countrymen were
without health care insurance. In this day and age that is nearly the same as
no medical care at all except emergency attention. And that comes with high
cost to both the medical staff and clinics/hospitals that care for the patient.
If the patient has no insurance and no money, the health care system eats it.
Last I checked, that’s you and me. We all pay the bill in one way or another
for those who cannot pay, or will not pay.
No politician or political party had answers to the problem.
No president had been able to lead the congress through the thicket of
ideological war to find a solution. But address the issue we did; through
leadership of President Obama. And high political cost. To himself and to his
party. Someone had to do this. It was on
his watch, so the President worked out the details as best could be. Compromise
after compromise was made. Wheedling behind closed congressional doors. Warring
factions were coddled and wooed. Finally a truce was made and the act moved
forward to a successful vote. No one was happy then or now. But the act is law
and working toward full implementation. It gets better phase after phase. No
major negatives have been encountered so far.
And yet the act will need to be tweaked over the coming
years to smooth out wrinkles and improve health care delivery and related
finance. Hopefully without bankrupting anyone along the way: the federal
government, state governments, insurers, taxpayers or patients. That’s the
goal. So many people working toward that goal in good faith. Because it is what
we all need.
Now. Ideology. Politics. Discord. Noise. Bitterness.
We have all that. When the Supreme Court decision was
announced the airwaves were filled instantly with noise. Mostly partisan
posturing. There were many reports that some politicians recorded TV
‘interviews’ and statements covering two or three possible scenarios depending
on the court’s decision; anticipating a negative statement regardless of the
decision. How manipulative of the public. How distrusting of the public.
The President represents each of us, and for our benefit. He
does not have the luxury of working for only one group of Americans; his job
description covers all contingencies in governing the entire nation. The needs
of many have to be balanced across the board. It is the only way the whole can
Demanding the impossible from him while standing in the way
of progress is an embarrassment to ‘we the people’. It is not a slap to the
President. It is a self administered wound suffered by us all.
Funny thing. Thursday, June 28 witnessed a cacophony of
sound by ~ politicians. Not citizens. Politicians. And of course news
organizations covered the sound and fury. They actually added to the noise.
They did not help anyone understand the issues. They just pointed out what one
camp said, what another camp retorted to that statement, and so on. Noise
begetting noise.
The job of the media is to state what is being said and
done. The facts please. Then the media’s job is to sift through the facts for
the meanings and conflicting meanings of the matter. Their job is to elucidate,
not obfuscate. The latter has been their trademark for the past 15 years or so;
probably longer.
If the media doesn’t understand what’s going on, then they
owe it to the nation not to add to the problem. They are supposed to add to the
understanding. It would be helpful if they actually enlisted the help of people
who know the specific issues and ask their help to find solutions to the
problems at hand. Blue ribbon panels. Research teams. Think tank operations. Do
we see this happening? No.
Oh sure; there are such organizations in existence or
forming, but they are mostly ideologically funded groups. The Heritage
Foundation is an example. The Heartland
Institute is another example. Organizations formed specifically to press a
point of view with strong partisan motives. And the public is left to discern
the truth. And the media doesn’t help. And the politicians continue to
obfuscate. Because it is in their interest to do this.
But it is not in the public’s interest. No. We are the ones
left to pick up the pieces and live with the mess until our ‘leaders who do not
lead’ either get out of the way or are outsmarted by their opposition. Like the
Affordable Care Act.
Who’s the leader now, folks? You or me? Romney or Obama?
Looks like the latter to me.
Now can’t we just get along? And get the work of the nation
accomplished? Would that be asking too much? Really!?
June 29, 2012
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