Saturday, July 7, 2012

Seeing is Believing

I realize I repeat myself on political themes. But that’s because others do as well, apparently attempting to wear a rut in our logic like theirs, so we might believe as they do. Trouble is there is little logic that supports theirs. So, as long as they keep spewing junk, I’ll keep providing some balance. 

Here’s some I found on the Internet from Anti.Republican.Crusaders on Facebook:

  1. “GOP leaders agree US default would be a ‘financial disaster’
  2. Ronald Reagan tripled the national debt
  3. George W. Bush doubled the national debt
  4. The GOP voted 7 times to raise debt ceiling for G.W.
  5. Federal taxes are now at a 60 year low
  6. Bush tax cuts didn’t pay for themselves or spur ‘job creators’
  7. Ryan budget delivers another tax cut windfall for wealthy
  8. Ryan budget will require raising debt ceiling repeatedly
  9. Tax cuts drive the next decade of debt
  10. $3 trillion tab for unfunded wars remains unpaid”

That last point is important because the operating deficit from year to year does not include the ‘war’ debt. That is outside the budget. Doesn’t count. But it is included in the national debt. That’s how GW increased the debt by over $5 trillion in his 8 years in the White House.

So, listen to the republicans if you must, but they really don’t tell you the truth about what their administrations have wreaked on our nation. They want you to think the problems were all the doing of Democrats. Well they weren’t. And people who know about facts understand this truth.

All I’m saying is, truth will out. People who care follow and find the truth; those who don’t, lie and try to win elections with them. For shame!

Because there are always the gullible who don’t want to hurt their heads with learning and leave that up to others, shame on them! They are part of the problem as well.

Here’s another Bernie Sanders quote you may enjoy (he’s the independent Senator from Vermont):
“There’s gridlock in Washington to put America back to work and fix our crumbling infrastructure…
“You have a republican mindset that says “Hmm, we can repair the infrastructure, save money long term, create millions of jobs – bad idea. Barack Obama will look good, and we’ve got to do everything we can to make Barack Obama look bad.”

Bernie Sanders made that comment on June 12, 2012 regarding the Tea Party-controlled House of Representatives that blocked movement on a bi-partisan Senate-passed infrastructure spending bill.  Why would they do that; for the exact reason Bernie stated: the republicans will not lead except away from the President. They want you to believe they have the answers and should own the White House again. Yet they are the ones who have blocked every move to repair problems they created in the first place.  And all the yelling and posturing won’t change those facts.

It is up to you, your friends and family to make sure this message is heard loud and clear on Election Day in November. Please help our nation return to sanity!

Jay Leno offered this joke for the moment:

            “I think Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin would be the perfect ticket.
            She can’t answer basic questions, and he has two answers for every question.”

I think Jay has is right! The reason jokes are funny is because they come from truth whether comfortable or not; they are funnier when least comfortable!

Another jewel from the Internet:
            “Abraham Lincoln robbed me of my freedom to own other people
            Because he was a socialist and a Muslim.”

Think about it!

And finally, Toni Morrison offers this advice:
            If you wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.”

November’s election approaches. Steel yourself for doing your duty. Follow the leaders who deal with truth. Gather others around you to do the same. It is our future we are trying to build here. Please lend an earnest hand and a full heart.

July 7, 2012

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