Thursday, December 13, 2012


Many of our Presidents are remembered for significant achievements during their term in office. For example FDR is remembered for creating Social Security, among many other things. Truman is remembered for ending World War II. Ike is remembered for much, but during peacetime surely he is remembered for the Interstate Highway System. JFK will be remembered for the Space Program and landing American astronauts on the Moon.

Lyndon Johnson will be remembered for the Great Society and Medicare, along with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Nixon unfortunately carries a lot of baggage but on the good side he will be remembered for opening the diplomatic doorway with China. Ford, Carter and Reagan served during great social turmoil without making lasting achievements.

Obama will probably earn historical notice for reforming health care or at least getting the log jam out of the way towards that end.

What’s missing in this list of achievement that sorely needs to be attended to?  Here’s my list for your consideration:

First, education. Many presidents have tried to attach their star to this issue but no one has made a lasting difference in delivering meaningful education to the masses. The politics are too strong in this arena and prevent solid achievement.  Wonder who will come by in time to master this thorny issue?

Second, world peace. Most presidents are obligated to serve this topic. But the work is on-going and transitional – not long lasting. I’m referring to global peace that infuses the world with long lasting vision that makes it vastly more worthwhile to get along with others than fighting with them. Global cooperation and acceptance of multiculturism will surely be the centerpiece of this achievement if we ever are to make it happen.

Third, global economics in balance with human needs. Sounds a lot like number two, doesn’t it? And don’t both of these needed achievements rely on the first one, education?

Now when do you suppose mankind will latch onto these three items so they can actually advance mankind’s existence on this planet?

The ends seem clear. The means remain cloudy, though. Ah! The curtain rises slowly on why we don’t make much progress. Power and ego reside in the means?

How do we change that?

December 13, 2012

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