Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is It Over Yet?

Whew! Christmas Eve and Day have come; and gone. And we are still here. And we are OK. So much for that emotional cliff!

I made it. Did you?

So much emotional involvement and trappings to the season. So much to miss if it doesn’t meet expectations. A lot of good to experience. A lot of downsides to avert if possible. But when we are through it all and we came out unscathed…that’s a victory and something to celebrate. That’s the oomph behind the ‘whew!’.

Talk about cliffs. The seasonal emotional cliff is a biggie. The Fiscal Cliff pales in comparison. Guess that’s a good thing, really. We learn to survive by being tested; some tests are a bit odd. Others are more traditional.

But if you are there reading this, and I have written this, then that’s two who survived the Holidays.  Good for us!

With this we are strong to tackle New Years (eve and day!) and the start-up of a new year (one ending in 13, no less!). We also have the strength to meet the challenges of financial struggles, national policy discussions, and all the rest. I guess the family is the core unit that lends us needed skills for survival!  Just another way of viewing it, eh?

At any rate we now need to review the year as it readies for its end, and set our sights on achievements to work on for the New Year. Taking stock is more than a tradition at this time of year; it is a necessity. Tie up one year and put it to rest. Unwrap the New Year and get it ready to do its work.

Resolutions – the goals we set – are a tradition at this time of year. Actually they should occur and re-occur all year long as we transact the business of our lives. At any rate we set some goals to accomplish in the coming year.  Here are a few I am contemplating:

  • Keep an open mind to religious beliefs of others; celebrate their commitment to a spiritual ideal; may it work in their lives; may mine work within me
  • Face each new day with at least one goal to work toward achieving; Rome was not made in a day; neither will my goals be completed in 24 hours; just keep plugging with intent
  • Recognize that ‘normal’ is relative to each of us; what’s normal to you may not be normal to me; and there is nothing whatsoever wrong with that
  • Own each day for what I can do with it. No one else is responsible for my actions; only me. Others will face their own destiny day by day; I can serve them but not own their day; it belongs to them as mine does to me
  • Understand the point of view held by another person; try and feel what they feel so I can understand why it is natural to them
  • Live my life day by day openly so others can view all of me and have a chance to understand the real me; add to the understanding of personal differentness in the world
  • Love myself as best I can so I am free to love others as best I can
  • Never give up searching for joy; share what I find with others.

That’s a good start, I think. Maybe in a few weeks or months I can offer another well felt “whew!” I can wish it. But to make it come true I have to work it.

The New Year approaches!

December 26, 2012

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