Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dialogue or Economic Sanctions?

The war of words over Russia’s insurgency and take over of Crimea, and on-going efforts to take over Ukraine, continue to escalate. Economic sanctions have been leveled at Russia and the effects are clear. Russia teeters on economic collapse.

Now, is this worth the trouble of helping Russia recover after all the angry words have been silenced? Of course this questions assumes Ukraine is safely kept an independent nation left alone to solve its problems and rebuild after a debilitating civil war foisted on it by Russian sympathizers and meddlers.

Under such circumstances Ukraine will be weak and need propping up. By whom? Well, obviously by Western nations most likely bankrolled and led by the USA. As a taxpayer I don’t relish America once again bankrolling unsettled regions back toward peaceful relations. I prefer all parties do the right thing and settle their differences at a table with carefully worked out discussions and agendas with proper objectives spelled out. This is, after all, a civilized world! Let’s act like it!

Back to Russia’s ills. They are all created by Putin. What his long term aims are remains to be seen, but his short term methods clearly paint him as the aggressor. He gains internal national stability and political leadership for himself by placing his nation on the edge of war, rattling his military tool belt, and upsetting the equilibrium of the region. It is his way to demonstrate masculine balls.

It is also the way of the play ground bully. And it is quite apparent this is his intent.

Make a ruckus and threaten mayhem so others will give in. Dangerous tactics, Mr. Putin. Not at all subtle or nuanced. We get it. And we reject it.

The we here is America AND the rest of the world. That is why economic sanctions are being made across vast stretches of national borders around the globe.  Play the bully and consequences will be felt. Play nice and you might be surprised to see what you get.

However, doing your bidding is not one of them. Respecting one’s own national borders is one assumed behavior trait the polite world requires of each player.  So some back treading is needed here: end involvement in Ukraine, Putin; and restore national independence to Crimea. I might suggest you contain your military ‘testing’ to within your own borders where it will only threaten the well-being of your own people and cause them to advise you how much they will stand for this.

Governing is a delicate matter to perform. Bullies and bulls are not welcome in the china shop. Politesse is.

Short term problems usually have short term causes with a dash of long term avoidance thrown in for good measure.

Want to solve problems and build long term solutions? Then invest in long term thinking and research. Let logic carry the heavy load. And ask friends for help. The world community aches for this behavior from every nation.

Russia is being asked to be a healthy, fully responsible member of the global community. We can expect no other behavior than this to get along and make progress for the entire human community.

Mr. Putin, are you ready and willing to travel this path? Or are you insistent on following baser instincts that will lead your people into unnecessary peril?

The decision is yours. And, of course, the Russian people. What do they want? Not now, but for the long term?

Good things to ponder at this point. There is still a point of return available. But not for long I think. The world is losing its patience with you Vlad.

February 5, 2015

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