Monday, June 22, 2015

Racism in America

Just to be clear about is, IT IS NOT OK TO BE RACIST. Now or ever. Regardless of the targeted racism, it is not OK.

Many people feel uncomfortable with people who are different from them. This has been true since the beginning of time. Wandering through the forest primeval, one ‘being’ came across another ‘being’ and wondered if it meant harm. That was the beginning of racism. Period. End of story.

But wait! Mankind has advanced to accept people of different race, color, ethnicity, gender, gender orientation. Good Lord! We have even come to accept democrats and republicans. And middle of the road ideologues along with the liberal and conservative variety of nut job ideologues. Old people and young, and every age in between is also accepted these days.

Or at least that’s what we say officially. But the truth is something else.

We allow people to get away with negative feelings about other people merely because they don’t ‘like’ them, feel better than the other person, or whatever nonsensical difference they choose to make about themselves and others. We let them do this. Officially we claim ours is an open, accepting and loving society.  I don’t think it is truly that way, however.

We have violence. Unconscionable violence. We have guns everywhere uncontrolled. Everywhere. Unlicensed guns. Unlicensed gun owners. Gun owners who are mentally unstable who go unsupervised.

I don’t mind guns or your right to own one. But do so responsibly. Also insist that gun ownership be regulated in such a manner that violence is lessened significantly in our nation. Please help this process along. Do not stand in the way of it because you don’t trust others will administer the regulations well or fairly. It is not about you. It is about everyone. And we all give a little to gain a lot.

In this case it is public safety without fearing unregulated gobs of guns among us. That is a mighty problem. It has to be solved. You are part of the solution. So do something about it. Tell the legislators in your state, and in congress they must stand up to the NRA and other lobbyists on this issue. It is the NRA and the lobbyists on guns that are in violation of the public conscious. They have a voice and a right to that voice. They DO NOT have the right to endanger my life and the lives of my family.

With uncontrolled guns mentally unstable people (I include democrats, republicans and tea party people here!) are able to walk into black churches and shoot people dead. Unstable people are able to walk into shopping malls and slay many people in one spray of an Uzi machine gun. Or an elementary school. Or a college/university campus. Don’t say this doesn’t happen. It does. And everyone knows it.

And nothing will be done about it unless you and I step up and demand solutions. Some people will not be able to get guns because they cannot prove they are capable of controlling themselves with a gun. So let that be. That is the cost of gun control. You want a gun to hunt? Fine. Just not an AK47, an Uzi, or an automatic rapid file pistol designed to kill maximum numbers of people. People are not game. Animals are. And then there’s some issue with your mental outlook, in my opinion, if all you want to do is kill, kill, kill. Check yourself for that uncontrollable urge. Sport with guns is entirely something different.

Now, if you feel unsafe in your home or on your neighborhood streets, a gun won’t help you. Supporting local authorities will help control safety problems. Local government can be trusted. County governments can be trusted. State governments can be trusted. Oh, they don’t all work as well as they ought, but they can be trusted. Same for federal agencies of the government. Some of these entities don’t work well, either. Just look at INS and the IRS for starters. They have lost their way and are drowning in political rubbish for policies because politicians are gumming up the works!  We need to fix those problems.

In the meantime, let’s find solutions for violence, gun ownership, government trust, demagoguery, and political skullduggery. 

There is a lot to do. Luckily, there are a lot of people who care and will work to accomplish much.  Give it a chance. Better yet, to trust the process yourself, get involved.

Now, racism is a problem. Has been for a long, long time. Denying it doesn’t make it go away. It just helps sick people grow sicker until they commit crimes of violence against their targets.  Whether it is racism against black, Hispanics, Jews, Gentiles, the old, women or youth, racism is racism. Hate is hate. When will we all say enough is enough and stand up for solutions, not blame?

I think the time is now. Are you ready to take the next step forward?  Are you?

June 22, 2015

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