Friday, October 23, 2015

Commentary Bullet Points

El Nino           Weather patterns are very different today than they were in our re-callable past. Yes there have been years of odd weather; yes there have been many years of normal weather patterns. But not 2014 and 2015. These two years are quite extraordinary. Don’t go by what I say; read reports from NOAA and NASA. Both agencies work with weather forecasts and research. NOAA does it because it is its job. NASA does it because it truly has a global perspective – even from space – and relies on its data for space shots as well as recovering returning space craft.

All data suggests truly large changes have taken place. Of course these could be averaged out in time to make barely a blip on the historical records. But we are living through these weather days in real time. Right now. And it tells us that the climate has changed to warmer patterns, that jet streams and ocean currents have been altered. Those altered courses bring colder weather to some regions while others experience much warmer air temps. Precipitation follows suit: too cold and rain becomes snow or ice or hail; too warm and snow and sleet become rain; too much rain and floods are birthed; too much flooding and mud slides occur.  Too much water and earthquakes are engendered. Too little water, and aquifers dry up, shrink and earthquakes are also engendered.

Weather affects life. What scientists have been saying is that life affects weather. Together we live in harmony or not. Adjusting how we live might soften weather changes. Maybe we should look into this to learn what we can do best. We need to be kind to our planet. It is our home.

Killing Innocents      Terrorism is a hideous specter on any society. It upsets routines. Mostly, it upsets expectations. We expect calm and order in our lives. This allows us to take walks, visit with people, commute to jobs, experience relaxation as well as entertainment. If a terrorist enters our midst we suddenly confront violence, death, explosions, damage, injury, suffering and stark fear.

That changes how we spend our days. And nights. We think more of the unexpected, waiting for the shoe to drop, wondering where, when and if it will be me next. That is precisely what a terrorist wants to happen: to upset our lives of comfort and normalcy.

They think their lives mean nothing because of what others have done to them. They are the victim. They feel it necessary to repay others for their suffering and misery. And so they kill themselves by blowing themselves up in our restaurants, nightclubs, buses, trains and planes. Car bombs destroy buildings and streetscapes. This is the horror of hate unleashed with very little logic. The consequences, yes; logic no. Only in the twisted and tortured minds of the terrorist is this logical. Not to you and I.

So we protect ourselves. And we overreact. We actually shoot innocents in the act of protecting the larger society. Innocent kids and bystanders are killed by mistake. It is called collateral damage. Russia bombs a hospital and makes light of it; America mistakes a hospital for a strategic target and we are condemned the world over. We all are guilty of this stuff; we all have to take responsibility for the lost lives of innocents. But then the terrorists want us to shoot at them mistakenly to kill innocents; they are pressing the role of terrorism on us – we become them!  Unwittingly or not, the roles reverse. Hideous fallout of terrorism. We shake our heads in sadness and grief.

School Killings Continue      Nuts and crazies exist the world over. They read the news or watch it on international TV broadcasts. So nuts with guns, knives, bombs and swords enter schools and kill students and teachers. It is the way of the world. It is the fashion of the day. America is not alone in this scourge. Other nations and societies have the same problem.

Only in America is it worse. Here we allow killing kids and staff ten or more at a time. Because we encourage individualism that includes ownership of guns without restriction, liability or qualifications. Insane. We expect drivers to be vetted, insured and controlled. If not they are removed from the road. Or jailed for their mayhem. But not gun owners. Even property owners are responsible for the damage done by crumbling curbs and tripping hazards, or not shoveling snow from sidewalks. But gun owners? Nope. They have rights, don’t you know. I guess the rest of us don’t.

War Time Atrocities        So we know that atrocities are committed in time of war. Hundreds of innocents are gunned down and pushed into mass graves and buried. We discover them generations later as a footnote to history. This was done in Germany, Russia, Poland and many other nations throughout the First and Second World Wars. Japan, too, did this against American soldiers and Chinese citizens. Germany and Japan both performed human experiments in secret laboratories; heinous experiments. Some we touted to the world; others we kept secret in order to build and maintain later peace. But know this: atrocities were committed in times of war throughout history. America is certainly included in this. We just don’t know much about such things. Propaganda exists here at home, too. We are not always the innocent. We are not perfect.

So as adults we accept the consequences of our past actions and resolve not to do that again. We move forward and try to be better people and build a better future. Wounded and scarred though we may be, we aspire to something better. And hope others do the same. That’s all we can do.

Speaker of the House      Held hostage again in so many ways affecting so many things, the republicans continue their staged drama of ineptitude and leadership. Their past speakers used to be heros; now they are child molesters, drunks, addicts, tanning bed golfers, and do nothings. And yet we are expected to believe conservatives will yield their insane ideas for a moment or two to allow a family man who wants to be home with the kids on the weekend (Paul Ryan) to become Speaker.  This is the man who has held the nation hostage with unrealistic budgets. Commonweal spending is curtailed for people in favor of their lunatic ideas for war and defense while gutting health, education and welfare for the weakest among us.

Nice people, they. Bet they go to church on the weekend, too. They want to follow the teachings of their churches, their Bibles, their Torahs, and Korans. Also their prophets speaking for their gods.

Trouble is all of their prophets speak for one God and say the same things. Love one another; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Period. End of story. The rest is dogma and nonsense. If you truly believe, then why do you persist to screw up governance for the good of us all?  Huh?


October 23, 2015

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