Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Out of the mist of the mind come repeated images and hints of ideas. Often these are so incomplete I don’t know what they mean or even to what they refer. An active mind, however, draws other ideas forward. Not all are clearly relative to one another.

In a meeting yesterday I did catch a glimpse of meaning. Played with it awhile and finally had a better notion of what to do with it. This post is the result however incomplete!

The title of this piece is ‘involvement’ but I mean it as a question: to be involved or not, and then with what?

Ah! That begins to beg more questions.

I am an involved person. Have been most of my life. If someone asks for help with a project I usually step in. If I’m asked to be on a board for some organization or other, I quickly learn what the organization’s mission is, and what it is doing to fulfill that mission. Soon I learn what the problems are, what the blockages to mission fulfillment the board has been struggling with.

That realization begins a new phase of involvement with that organization. Eventually, once I’m pooped out helping them regain balance and effectiveness, I move on to another organization with similar needs. I didn’t start out to do this work, it just happened.

When I was a kid the stock phrase was ‘Let George Do It’. Because my name is George people poked me in the ribs and suggested I should ‘do it’. And so it went. I became a professional volunteer. That led to countless positions on boards of directors, some chairmanships, a presidency or two, and some career changes. It also led me to studying strategic planning and organizational development.

Now in retirement I am as busy as ever and the threat is to accelerate that busy-ness. Lately I’ve questioned whether this is a good thing or not, or even if it is inevitable. Do I really need to be this involved in things.

In the past involvement taught me much. I recall one day doing my taxes and marveling at the embarrassment of riches when I suddenly realized all of my income came directly from what I used to volunteer for. In time the work became full time and a paid career. Not once had I thought this would be, or even wished for it. It just happened.

Well, here I am at 72 wondering if I’m doing too much and should slow down. Besides, this blog is filled with my frustrations with what’s wrong in our society and what needs to be fixed. If I’m not willing to be involved in that, who will be? Does it follow that no one will be involved if I’m not?

No; it doesn’t follow. Someone will step forward because many people are like me. We know we can do better as an organization, a society, a people, or whatever. All that’s needed is a willing hand and some good ideas shared willingly!  Yeah, sure. Someone will step forward.

But you know what? Someone does step forward. Maybe they don’t say or do what I would but then their actions speak as well as mine would. So no; I don’t have to be the guy who gets involved every time.

In fact doing so might be proof positive that I’m a control freak and think I have all the answers. I don’t. I ask more questions than I find answers for. That’s why I know I’m not a control freak.

But the issue is uncomfortably near to me. I just might harbor those control issues!

So, what do I do about this? Do I still get involved but ask others to step up and take on tasks and leadership roles? Do I stand by and let others do this in place of me?

The world happened a long time before I came on the scene. It will go on a long time after I’ve left as well! Meanwhile good things get done by good people. Bad people cause trouble but good people respond and make it right. In the doing of all this we learn a lot about ourselves and our abilities. We also get to rethink what we believe and value. That’s always a refreshing thing to do.

So, I’m involved now in a heavy role of which I’m uncertain. I have much to learn. Learning will keep me fresh and energized. But will it lead to the effective results the organization needs? Time will tell. And maybe it doesn’t depend on me anymore.

That would be a refreshing discovery. And a relief!

October 14, 2015

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