Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What Concerns Us

I suppose some of you will lament my pulling this theme forward once again. But I have to share with you my frustration: the public appears to be consumed by things that have little lasting importance. Oh, they are fun. They are interesting. And the very serendipity nature of them all makes them even more alluring!

Still, I’m flummoxed by the very idea that my nation, my fellow citizens care about this list of issues:

  • Which hockey team won the Stanley Cup
  • Which baseball team made the playoffs for the World Series? Does anyone else wonder unabashedly why the World Series is going to be play in November rather than September when our ears were glued to hidden ear plug speakers connected to our transistor radios in high school? And boy did we get in trouble when we were caught. But the spirit was there and most of the kids were constantly asking for the scores.
  • Which movies over the weekend scored big on the attendance sweepstakes?
  • Which actor or actress is hot on our list to follow?
  • Which pop songs lead the charts now? And which are trending higher and will most likely sweep to the top?
  • Which beer is the most consumed? Advertised?
  • Wine tasting parties are going to provide how many bottles to sample? Wow!
  • The line up of parties to attend; which ones will I be asked to? And which ones will I plan on attending?
  • The cars making news today aren’t necessarily muscle models; styling and alternate fuel technology is grabbing headlines; about time! Well, one out of tons of issues, isn’t the end of the world!
  • Which schools should I attend after high school, and what major should I aim for? Which majors earn the most money after graduation?
  • I like my new phone. It connects to everything. I keep in touch with everyone with silent texts so no one knows what I’m saying.
  • School sports at all levels – grade, middle and high schools, then college…this must truly be the most important issue in America!
  • How rich are the politicians? Very rich indeed! Wonder why that is?
  • Beautiful homes of the rich and famous; and not so much!
  • Idyllic islands to rent or buy for your holidays; why?
  • …so many more to choose from!

Aren’t you just sick of the Kardashians? And do you really care to hear about a new book or movie just as it is hitting the market and doesn’t even make a dent in sales records? What about the latest costumes for Halloween, or Easter, or overly decorated homes for Christmas? Egads, the list goes on and on.

For me what really matters are these topics:

  • Effective education; so Tom and Mary can build a future they are most interested in and good at
  • Effective education so employers have a ready supply of well prepared workers skilled to perform the work that needs to be done
  • Music and arts scene that embraces the depth and breadth of the people’s intellect
  • Vibrant economy that supports reasonable lifestyles and security for most people
  • Affordable and accessible healthcare
  • Clean drinking water throughout the global community
  • Global peace and security initiatives that wipe out violence
  • …and this list goes on and on as well!

At least the last list is positive and productive. Instead of touting the problems why aren’t we gathering the resources and solving those same problems? Why do we have such an enduring argument over what needs attention, and what doesn’t?

Why aren’t we really making headway with these issues while we can?

Age old questions I know. But that’s precisely the point! Why are they age old? Why haven’t we solved them yet? We know the resources are available. What we don’t know is whether resolve is available to do the work.

Perhaps we should be asking…is anyone listening? Or caring?

October 27, 2015

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