Monday, October 5, 2015

Mass Shootings

The thought of mass shootings in America is horrific! In an age of terrorism we think such acts would be brought to our nation from outside our borders. But it hasn’t been. It has all been within our borders performed by our own people against our own people.

In a nation known for its personal freedoms it seems ironic that a freedom would do us in. Isn’t that exactly what has happened?

The US Constitution allows freedom to bear arms. Generations have argue what that phrase actually means and what the framers of the constitution intended it to mean. Such is the arcane world of courtrooms – arguing words and their meanings.

I’m one of those people who feel the constitution refers to the practical need of that time to rely on an armed citizenry to protect and defend the nation and its communities. It was not intended to authorize citizen armies to prowl the countryside and act the role of armed posses 24/7.

Times have changed since the constitution was written. We now have a standing Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. We also have the National Guard. Add in the combined armed forces of sheriff and police departments nationwide and we have plenty of trained personnel with arms of all sorts. Not just handguns, either!

So an armed citizenry is not what is needed. The freedom to bear arms, however, remains and should. Plenty of our citizens live in dangerous areas and wild outdoor environments, as well. Protection from wildlife attacks as well as a criminal mind bent on killing, harming or robbing a home, farm or ranch, should be protected by an armed citizen.

Mass shootings are another thing entirely.

They usually are committed by a person of unsound mind and emotional control. They have delusions of all kinds. Either they are the overpowered and bullied, or they are the god-like controllers over others. Either way they find themselves with gun in hand and plenty of perceived targets. When the shooting begins casualties are also plentiful.

Public opinion supports finding a solution to this problem. So far, however, any talk about controlling gun purchase or ownership is fought vigorously as anti-constitutional. Hogwash. This is a public health and safety issue and deserves serious thought and work toward a solution.

We must find a way that prevents the mentally ill from owning or buying guns. Solving that will not solve the entire problem. Sick people will still be able to acquire guns or gain access to them. No solution is fail-safe. But we must try.

A good start is to enlist the National Rifle Association in problem solving. Their goal: reduce access to guns of the mentally ill. That is one goal of many. But let’s start with this well defined goal to get things underway. Their input would then be acted upon by Congress with full public debate on the details.

The NRA is at the heart of the problem. They are the primary lobbying power that has influenced Congress on all past votes concerning gun control.

Let us be clear. No gun control means control over guns in the hands of the bearer. It is still control. And losers aplenty have died from this ‘control’. So more needs to be done. Doing nothing is no longer an option on the table.

Also let us be clear: the Congress ought not be for sale to any interest group. Nor should a congressman be held hostage by a special interest group. All such attempts should be made public and the ransom takers subject to the full force of the law.

Lobbying is not a swear word or terrible profession. It is an honorable profession dedicated to educating legislators at all levels of the fine points of their decision making. Some decisions would do irreparable harm to individuals and industries if emotional knee jerk reactions were allowed to go unchallenged. Lobbying helps legislators understand the issues and vote accordingly.

Let’s engage the NRA in solving this problem while protecting constitutional rights. Both the rights and the problem deserve proper analysis and attention. And the NRA is already part of the problem; let them be part of the solution the public demands.

October 5, 2015 

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