Wednesday, November 9, 2016


The concession by Hillary Clinton has been made. The acceptance of President Elect Donald Trump has been declared. With a mourning of this happening, I write the following:

I am a white, male, 73 years old, and of mostly English ancestry. I am a student of America and her role in global history. I am an ardent observer of American politics. I so wish for world peace and comity.

I am a Democrat because of social issues plaguing America. I voted for Hillary and all Democrats up and down the ballot. My sentiments evidently were mostly lost on my fellow American voters.

So I awaken on November 9th, 2016 with a feeling of dread and wonder if this will spread like wildfire to the rest of the nation on this day? Or will the outcome of this election – this horrible, disfigured and decidedly un-American election – yield to something more positive than what I fear at this very moment?

You see, I believe that each of us is capable of accomplishing great things. Together, our combined talents and minds contain genius. What this genius can accomplish will be amazing if – and only if – it is focused on doing the right thing for the most people without taking freedom and dignity from anyone else.

I believe in women and their intelligence – alone and in concert. I believe in African American citizens and their solidarity of spirit, intellect and industry. I believe in immigrants from all over the world who have chosen America in which to live, thrive and be a citizen of equality of mind, spirit and purpose as our Constitution makes possible.

In truth each and every one of us is an immigrant; that is the unique history of our land. The only native American is the twelve millennia long native born Indians of our continent. And look what we – latter day immigrants all – did to them and their culture?

I am proud of my ancestry and its immigrant role in America. I welcome newcomer immigrants to play a similar role in our nation’s history of building promise for others. And it is why I stand firm on welcoming all immigrants to our shores. I do not see them as enemies. I do not fear them.

They, like all of us before them, will learn how the culture of this land operates and embraces them. Not always a pleasant experience or loving. But in the end it is a lasting welcome built on respect and equality.

Awakening to a Trump presidency is fearful for me. I have written much that outlines exactly what I feel about Mr. Trump and his personality, his inexperience to govern, and his spotty business career riddled with indecency, dishonesty, greed and failure. I do not see his background as a promising starting point for a leader of the Free World or an influence within the World Community striving to build a future of peace and tranquility.

No, awakening this morning was not pleasant or hopeful.

But then again, America is all about hope and possibility.

Let us turn to that culture and history of hope and possibility as we learn to deal with the unknown yet again.

This is not a celebration of Donald Trump. It is a prayer for the success and peace of America – the land of the free and the home of the brave. May this spirit fuel our combined intelligence for a peaceable kingdom of all the earth.

November 9, 2016

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