It doesn’t seem possible but this blog is nearly eight years old. October 5, 2011 was the first posting.
At the beginning I wrote daily, seven days a week, and if something special popped up I inserted another post that same day. After a year or so, friends suggested I skip Sundays, and maybe do something brief for Saturdays. So, I did. Sundays were eliminated. Saturdays were saved for ‘thought for the weekend.’ I did that for a few years then adopted the Monday through Friday schedule that is current to this very day.
Number of posts including today’s stands at 2632.
In the early days my word count per posting was 1000 to 1400. Readers complained that they were too long. I shortened them to be less than 1000 words, and later clipped them further. Today’s postings are between 450 and 650 words.
Still, with 2632 posts published, that’s a lot of words!
I have pondered knitting these together to form a book, or a series of books. I have been tempted. The task, however, is monumental. It was not my goal to write a book. All I wanted to do was share thoughts that came to mind from the complex of issues and pressures of modern life. Couple that backdrop with the author’s aging, and a wealth of themes come to life. It is very natural. It is quite sharable. Perhaps of more interest, it displays fully the coming to light of ideas and theories. An unfolding.
Some of these ideas are fascinating to me. Boring to readers at times, no doubt. But no blank page syndrome ever struck my efforts. I always had something to write about, something to share.
Along the way I hope this blog has helped readers think of their own ideas and motivate them to share them with others. That is part of our social nature. It is the heart of conversation. And it ought to foster civil discourse throughout the land. Well, we know that hasn’t happened, but maybe a little is better than it would have been without these efforts?
We shall never know.
Meanwhile, I will continue pounding out future messages to any and all who have the patience to read my utterings. For those of you who have been along for the entire ride, thank you! You humble me with your loyal presence.
October 2, 2019
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