Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Essence of a Nation

A nation is many things. history. Culture. Education of its people. Medical care of its people. Standard of living. Governance structure. Value systems. Leadership structure and format.
Landscapes of note – mountains, canyons, oceans, lakes, forests, cities…

It’s people, too. Yes, its people.

A nation is more than place and image. It is more than reputation, or even good intentions.

A nation is who and what its people are. Their dreams, actions, industry, effort to make living in the nation worthwhile. What are they talking about? What do they believe in? Who do they value and why? How do they treat their fellows? Are the people generous and supportive of those in need? Do they love one another and value them?

That is the essence of a nation. Not the leadership. Not its legal description of its governance system. Nor whether the leadership of that governance structure is worthy of its people. No, the essence of a nation is the people and how they treat one another.

The proof of that essence is not in institutions, corporations or government agencies. The proof is in the actions of one person dealing with another person. The connection and transaction of connecting is the core moment.

We don’t often see these transactions. We live them. We do them. We partner with them. The size of the transaction is seemingly inconsequential. So small it is not noticed by others, and certainly not recorded as historical fact. Thus, institutional memory is not built from this, nor is it recognized by media.

News program take note of major events and trends. The government in disarray. The emergence of a major social trend or fashion. The failure of a corporation and loss of many jobs. Elections won and elections lost. Legislative agendas set and pursued. Legislative failures and gridlock. These are reported as representative of a nation’s existence.

But that misses the essence of the nation itself.

Why is this so hard to understand? Why is this not the core of our attention at a time when failed leadership of our governments is scandalous and a three-ring circus? National, local or state governments are in disarray. That is a reflection on leadership. That is a reflection of what the people allow to happen in their name.

But that is not the people and their essence.

Why, then, does this national nightmare continue?

October 23, 2019

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