Friday, December 18, 2020

Agenda for Biden

Now that the loser is vacating the White House, the nation makes way for a new administration, the Biden/Harris Administration. That is good news and a big positive at a time of bleakness.

Bleak because of the nasty politics and public behavior of so many uncivil people over the past 20+ years. It has been a horrid time in our history but it hopefully peaked in the last 4 years.

Also bleak because of the COVID pandemic. Bleak, too, because of natural disasters – flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires – most likely caused by global warming. Also bleak because what all of these forces have done to our economy and the international scene.

We have a fresh start toward a kinder, gentler and more productive stance. We need this refresh. Most of us have yearned for it for some time. Welcome it and nurture it!

The Biden/Harris team represents a bridge to our future. It will resemble the past but forge new boundaries and norms. It is a natural outcome of major change. The process needs to be thoughtful, inclusive, and transparent. So far Biden/Harris appears to be on that track.

Of course, there are those who will force their point of views onto the political stage and attempt to bully the new White House team to include them. Most likely their concerns will be included, and I fully expect that to be the case. Whether their views become a dynamic part of the agenda approved and worked in the future, is another matter. Compromise will be a prominent feature of Biden/Harris, or should be. But caving into raw political pressure? No. We’ve had that for the past four years. No more.

Americans are pragmatic, reasonable people. That’s because they understand most issues and their complexity. Getting along with people of different views requires listening, understanding, reasoning and consensus. If a party is outside that consensus, their role is to be patient and try other means of getting their point accommodated. Automatic acceptance and implementation is not likely now, but in the future, maybe. Wait in line like the rest of us have.

For now, Biden/Harris have to focus on the most important issues in need of attention. These include: COVID response and recovery of both the public’s health and our shared economy; renewal of our economic system to sustain innovation and growth for the common good, not unlimited wealth for a few; expanded health care; improved life-long learning; and global relations building toward sustainable world peace.

In each of these issues are sub issues of great importance. Global warming is one. Renewal of infrastructure is another. Both of these issues will greatly impact our economy and well-being.

It will take time to work out the details. It will take compromise and collaboration with different power centers. If these players truly care about our nation and its heritage, and respect the common good of all people, they will cooperate with one another. That will lead us all to a better world in which to live.

Rather than tearing down along ideological lines of division, let’s work together to get the really big jobs done. The time is now. The team is right. Give them and us the opportunity to get down to meaningful work. And outcomes.

December 18, 2020


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