Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Flynn Pardon: As expected, Mike Flynn has been fully pardoned by the White House occupant. There are two things this action tells us: first, the Flynn is a convicted felon and carries that with him for the rest of his life; second, the pardon is a strategy to protect the White House occupant from criminal prosecution. Whether these two things will have a lasting effect, history alone will tell us in good time.

Meanwhile, Flynn should worry about his military legacy and benefits. They are in peril. Similarly, White House occupant’s legacy is toast; his benefits are very much in question. But he is wealthy beyond belief, right? So why would he worry?

Selfishness: Self centeredness has been the watchword for the full 4 year term of the current White House occupant. If memory serves me correctly, not one time did the incumbent act for the good of the nation, only for himself and what he perceived to be voter attraction. Strategy and tactic was never far from mind. The crassness of this type of life is staggering. What a pitiful being he is. No heart. No empathy. No long term projection of values. No values. Just empty shell of what looks like a human being. But is not. Total zero.

Focus on Good: The starkness of good and evil, right and wrong are stunning. What our nation has experienced over the past 4 years is a deep lesson in right and wrong. It culminated with over 300,000 deaths from COVID-19 by January 21, 2021 (check the tally then to see if I’m close with this estimate).

The republican control of the federal government will be history’s example of perfidy and travesty. The government of, by and for the people did not serve those people. Only a few benefited. All while so many suffered and paid high costs. Some with their very lives.

In this month of December, let us focus on the future and what we value as positive and good. Sharpen that focus. See it. Smell it. Feel it. Then do what you need to do to make it come to life. That is my job, your job, our job. It belongs to no senator, congressperson or White House occupant. Nor even a robed justice in any court in the land. This nation was founded by us. It stands for us. And will not again suffer a charlatan passing as leader.

A new beginning is at hand. Make the most of it for all of our sakes.

December 2, 2020


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