Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Balm in Gilead

A long ago memory is sitting in elementary school, probably 2nd grade or so, in California, being taught to sing in a group. The song was “There Is a Balm in Gilead.” The year was around 1949 or 1950. The melody was entrancing. The word ‘balm’ curious. Like a salve that cools a burn or calms an itch, a balm is that sort of ointment. Gilead was a biblical community, and the song was about soothing the town. At least, that’s the sense I got at the time.

Years later I found this to be a hymn. Whether a protestant one or Catholic, I don’t know. I still like this hymn, but now I am wondering how our public school way back then was allowed to sing that song. Today it would be banned from public instruction, don’t you think?

And yet, a balm is what we need these days. Whether ascribed to a religious principle or figure, a balm is something that calms troubled minds and spirits. Rather than face the modern world with its stresses, let us find relief where we can. That comfort will give us cool minds to use in dealing with problems and civil unrest.

A democratic society is a governance tool evolved to allow productive discussion, realistic application of facts, and then a prod toward compromise where everyone feels they have won a bit while settling an important point. Compromise is a must in these transactions. Rarely will everyone agree on any one thing. Giving a little to gain common agreement for common action is the outcome sought.

Clearly that is not a descriptor of America today. Clearly.

I think we need a soothing lotion to calm us down. Enough calming, please, to allow cooler minds and personalities to interact and come to a workable agreement so we can move beyond the stalemate.

In the United States of America, we have the Congress assigned this duty. Evidently, they have forgotten their role because all they do is create endless strife and angry debate. Yet they say they are doing our work. How can that be when there is no or little outcome? The product of their work is yet more stalemate, inaction.

Either they are all foul balls in public dress, or they are misusing the tools of government. Perhaps the tools needs redesigning?  Or maybe the actors upon the stage should be recast? Which is easier and faster? Might there be another option to pursue while the other two are being contemplated? 

Surely, we can go on no longer. The yearning for term limits may be just the prod these folks need to find a better way to do the people’s business. If that is so, then let us get on with it.

September 22, 2021



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