Thursday, September 30, 2021

Current Needs

On this last day of September (!) let us catalog the needs in our communities. Not all communities have these very same issues, but many do and our help is needed to combat them:

1.       Food poverty for the poor, a lot of kids

2.       Food poverty for seniors, not quite as bad but still a huge problem

3.       Poor access to medical care for the poor

4.       Poor transportation to medical care for many senior citizens

5.       Inadequate access to appropriate education services for poor people

6.       Continuing education for all ages still not a recognized problem; how else will we adapt to a changing society built on technology?

7.       Violence in all too many places; many causes, but mostly based on greed, sex and guns

8.       Forgotten Native Americans; shoved aside and isolated. We created this problem and it is our sacred duty to address it

9.       Global warming, rising seas, flooded coastal areas

10.   Loyalty to nation not political party or ideology; be people centered

Many of these issues are addressed with specific programs funded by the federal government. The funds are funneled to the states and then to counties for application to the problem. This cumbersome method delays delivery of the services and goods to the intended parties.

Many issues are addressed by private nonprofits because they have a passion to serve. They have difficulty raising the funds to do the work and deliver the goods and services. Help them whenever you can; better yet, volunteer your time and energy.

Churches attend these issues as well, although many are struggling to do so with falling attendance and bleak budgets. Partner with other agencies and nonprofits?

With failing newspapers starved for advertising revenues to pay their bills, reporters are disappearing. The internet is a poor replacement because of the false reporting and self-serving messaging. Who to believe?

On many levels these problems can be aided but it will take coordination, funding and commitment for all who care about those in need.

Help! For all of our sakes.

September 30, 2021


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